
16 best ways to make money online

make money online

Are you looking to make money online? Are you struggling to find free ways of making extra cash on the internet? Today, I am going to show you the 16 best ways to make money online.

Most people on the internet move in the form of one big herd. They follow the typical route and similar patterns. 99% of the folks copy and do the same things as other people. This is the reason they usually end up failing in a highly competitive arena and do not make money online.

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But, there is a special breed of people who are insanely making good money online. They adopt a different path to have an edge over the competitive market. They equip themselves with the best tools and strategies, but having the right tools is not enough. They very well understand how to put their skills and abilities to the best use. They earn a lot of money by working in those sectors where they know the rewards are much greater.

There are so many ways to make money online but there are some ways that we ignore by considering them impractical. Following is a list of some of the unique ways through which you can earn a lot of cash by performing the easiest tasks.

Create a winning blog:

It’s possible to make money online with a blog, whether you opt is as your hobby or for business purposes. Although it’s not a get-rich-quick ordeal if you do it the right way, you can make enough money to support your family and more.

Sign up for Amazon Mechanical Turk:

Amazon Mechanical Turk is a place where human intelligence is required. This is a platform that allows businesses to access an on-demand workforce for the completion of their tasks.

Create Niche websites featuring Google AdSense Ads:

Create niche websites that can attract visitors’ attention. Loyal readers come back for more content on websites that provide quality information. By adding Google AdSense advertising links on your websites you can attract the most traffic along with earning heavy cash.

Self-publish digital Kindle books:

If you are a passionate writer and think you can write for a fiction or non-fiction group then you must write through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Publishing takes less than five minutes and your book can appear on Kindle stores within 24-48 hours.

Upload YouTube videos and get paid:

You can find different ways to get paid for what you do, the most common way is to upload videos on YouTube and get paid. You do not require any expensive equipment to make videos, but you just need to understand the capability of your smartphone to make good videos.

Design useful apps for mobile devices:

Since the release of the first iPhone, the smartphone market has ramped up in popularity. The number of mobile websites has also increased tremendously. You can design apps for mobile devices by keeping your users in mind. Create apps that are user-friendly and that you are sure users will enjoy.

Sell your time and talent:

Fiverr is the best place if you want to sell your talent and want to connect with people who can pay you a good amount for your ability. If you are good at digital photo editing, then you will be able to find many clients who would offer you good projects to work on.

Share your knowledge:

If you have got any knowledge or experience, then it makes you an asset to any organization. Do you want to hoard it like a squirrel stashes nuts? Why not share it with people and earn money? You can give lessons through Skype or teach Spanish and French through Rype.

Promote organizations on social media:

For startup companies and organizations, social media is a powerful tool to get the word out. It allows companies with current and potential clients. Promoting other businesses on your website can be a great way to earn money.

Get associated with affiliate programs:

With your website or blogs, you can sell products and services through associate programs. You will earn a commission with every purchase.

Become a Virtual Assistant:

On the internet, many sites offer jobs for virtual assistants. Now you can work as a virtual assistant by managing the financial records of a company from home.

Freelance writing:

Your passion for writing can be easily turned into a business. If you have a command of English grammar and you have a unique writing style you can attract a lot of readers through quality blogs.

Charge money for designing a website:

If you are good at developing a website then you can design websites for small organizations and companies. You can get projects to work on through or and earn money.

Provide online tutoring:

Some so many individuals don’t have time to attend institutions for learning a subject. If you are good at teaching a subject such as math, English, science, or science subject, then you must check out and These sites require you to complete the application process and if you get approved then you can start teaching and will be paid for your work.

Teach an online course:

Udemy is a website that pays experts to connect with students who are eager to learn. On average, 10 million users are benefiting from this service through this website and the instructor earnings are $8,000 on average.

Sell T-Shirts online:

Customized T-shirts with unique text or graphics are an ideal business for the young lot. It is a fun way to earn cash. Websites like Teespring are good platform that allows you to connect with buyers who want to purchase your art pieces.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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