
Best Backlinks For SEO | High Domain Authority Sites | Free DoFollow Backlinks

For websites to get ranked higher on Google and other search engines, backlink weighs in heavily. they play a huge role in the good SEO of your website.

The real treat is getting backlinks from trustable websites with high DA (Domain Authority) and most importantly, if the links are do-follow — that’s the icing on the cake. Good backlinks help in ranking your website higher for business-related keywords.

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We have carefully searched over 150 high authority websites that are accepting requests for backlinks, provided your niche matches their niche.

For a backlink, it is very important to be relevant, a politician’s website getting a backlink from a political analyst makes more sense to Google than getting a backlink from a sports icon.

With the recent updates in Google algorithms such as Core Algorithm and Mobile-First indexing, previous methods of acquiring backlinks are relatively ineffective such as forum posting, RSS directories, etc.

The followings are the niches and high PR websites within these niches accepting your request to be considered.

Blogging / Marketing – High DA Blogs

Website Name Website URL
We The Info Submit an Article
Marketing Profs Submit guest post
Small Biz Trends Submit guest post
TheBloggingBuddha Write for us
BloggingFromParadise Write for us
ShermanSmithBlog Contact link
YourPFPro Guest Blogging
EnstineMuki Connect with Enstine
AhaNow Write for AhaNow
AllBloggingTips Guest post
MostlyBlogging Write for MostlyBlogging
Robert-Corrigan Send your pitch
ElnaCain Contact Elna
InternetMarketingBlog101 Contribute your best work
MoneyGossips Contact for guest post submission
GoBloggingTips Write for GBT
BeAMoneyBlogger Contribute your guest post
BloggingDen Write for BD
MyQuickIdea Guest post contribution
WordingWell Write for WW
GrowMap Guest Post Guidelines
IntenseBlog Write for us
BloggingTips Contact for submissions
Kikolani Guest blogging
FamousBloggers Submit your article
BloggingBasics101 Send your post pitch
ProWritingAid Guest blogging
Content Marketing Institute Submission guidelines
HubSpot Submission guidelines
Outbrain Guest post guidelines
Copyblogger Submit a guest post
Smashing Magazine Guest post guidelines
Inc42 Contact for a guest post
YourStory Submit guest post
Daily Blog Tips Submit the Post
InBound Read guidelines before submitting
Kissmetrics Submission guidelines
The Huffington Post Submission guidelines
The Sits Girls How to submit
The Write Life Submit Your Post
Inspiration2Feed Submit guest post

BlockChain/Bitcoin – High Domain Authority Blogs

Website Name Website URL
Buy Bitcoin Worldwide Sponsored post
CCN Submit a Sponsored story
Bitcoinist Submit sponsored articles
CoinJournal Share your pitch
CoinReport Pitch your tip
CoinNoob Submit Press release
CryptoCoinUpdates Submit Guest post
CoinSpectator Pitch your tip
LetsTalkBitcoin Content Submission Guidelines
BraveNewCoin Submit your Event
CoinSpeaker Writers and Guest Contributors
BitcoinMagazine Contribute your post
Cointelegraph Submit a Story Idea
BitcoinChaser Write for us
E27 Write for us
Blockgeeks Apply to be a Content contributor
Inc42 Submit your Guest post
Unblock Submit post guidelines

Technology – High Domain Authority Blogs & Websites

Website Name Website URL
TechCrunch Share your Tip
We The Info Submit an Article
Engadget Send your Tip
Gizmodo Content Guidelines
AllTechTrix Guest Posting
ReadWrite Submit Guest Post
iAmWire Guest Contribution Guidelines
TechWyse Submit guest post
TGDaily Share your Story

SEO – High DA Blogging Websites

Website Name Website URL
ResultFirst Submit a sponsored post
Coronationim Write for Coronationim
Rankpay Guest posting guidelines
SupremacySEO Content writers needed
SEOPlus Guest post requirements
SEOTechyWorld Send post titles
99Signals Contact 99signals
PageOnePower Submit your post
SEO Review Tools Submit a Guest Post
Mondovo Submit Guest Post on Mondovo
MySiteAuditor Contribute for MySiteAuditor
LocalSEOChecklist Guest post guidelines
SEOMator Send SEO pitch

Social Media – High DA Blogs Sites

Website Name Website URL
Social Media Examiner Submit Guest Post
TheSitsGirls Guest post for TheSitsGirls
Social Media Today Contribute Guest Post

Designing – High DA Blogs

Parenting – High DA Blogs

Food – High DA Blogs

Website Name Website URL
FoodSense Send a post-pitch
FoodMatters Write for Foodmatters
PasteMagazine Write for paste food
NakedFoodMagazine Submit post for Food magazine
G’Day Chef Write for G’day Chef
BostonFoodTruckBlog Be a food truck guest blogger
SeriousSeats Pitch a food article
DinnerPlanner Write for dinner planner
ToastTab Write for toasttab
NYCfoodpolicy Submission guidelines
OrganicDailyPost Contribute your post
FoodnHealth Guest post guidelines
FoodStuffMall Submit the guest post
Greatist Send a Pitch
FoodTank Submit guest post
SustainableFoodTrust Be an author
NewFoodEconomy Be a volunteer

Travel – High DA Blogs

Website Name Website URL
ShesWanderful Share travel stories
365Tickets Publish a guest post
Opodo Write for Opodo
Travelista Publish your work
WowTravel Become a featured contributor
TimesOfIndia Submit travel stories
TheTravelManuel Submit guest post
FundMyTravel Guest post guidelines
TravelFree Guest post requirements
TravelsWithDarley Send travel pitch

Health and Fitness – High DA Blogs

Website Name Website URL
BreakingMuscle Submit guest post
Twisted.Fitness Write about fitness
FitnessMentors Submit fitness post
OwnYourFitness Submit guest post
ManVsWeight Fitness post guidelines
DrWorkout.Fitness Submit health related post
HealthFundaa Contribute
FitnessMagazine Submit fitness tip
FitnessAndPower Send a pitch
GymVentures Write for gymventures
WillPowerMethod Write for willpowermethod

Lifestyle – High DA Blogs

Website Name Website URL
We The Info Submit an Article
MenStyleFashion Guest post rules
FearlessMen Blog post submission
Aspirantsg Be a guest blogger
SavorTheSuccess Get featured as an author
TheWindySide Pitch an idea
FlawlessMilano Submit your post
Outlish Contribute your work
TheMaleStrom Write a guest post
WildishJess Submit travel or lifestyle stories
YourJournee Submit health & lifestyle post
ModernLifeBlogs Guest post submission
TheSouthAfrican Submit a blog post
WideOpenCountry Guest post guidelines
WorldRadio Be a contributor
LifeStyleTravelKit Contact to submit a post
TravelingLifestyle Guest post requirements
Yuppee Contribute your work
Celebricious Send a pitch
LetsReachSuccess Write to us
99PercentLifestyle Guest post
PracticalRadiology Submit guest post
DashofWellness Be A Contributor
ModernLifeBlogs Blog post guidelines
HelloVancity Send blog pitch
Soberistas Contribute your work
Hbculifestyle Guest Blogging Guidelines
Aha-Now Write guest post
MindBodyGreen Submit a post
Titanfx Be a guest author
SweetSyleBlog Contribute your work
EverythingMom Guest blogging opportunity
EverydayFamily Write guest post
Vkool Guest post contributor

News & Media – High DA Blogs

Website Name Website URL
The Pioneer Advertise here
RocketNews News Posting Service
TheHansIndia Advertise with us
NewsWire Write an Article | List Your Business

WordPress Themes and Plugins – High DA Blogs

Website Name Website URL
TemplateMonster Become an author
MyThemeShop Guest posting
Themient Contribute
WParena Write for us
WPbeginner Send a pitch
Freakify Send your WordPress pitch
Colorlib Creative Article Requirement
ThemeIsle Write for us
WPKube Write for us
87studios Guest post guidelines
WPWarfare Freelance writers needed

APP/Product/Service Review – High DA Blogs

Website Name Website URL
Androidb Guest contributer
TechieApps Guest blog submission
Android-Apps Submit guest post
Top5Reviewed Write for us
ReviewGeek Freelance Product Review Writer
Pagoda SSubmit a product review
NeuroGadget Sponsored post
Appticles Guest post guidelines
Apps400 Contribute
AppStoreApps Write for us
iPadAppsReviewer Become a guest author
Hosting 75% off

Written by Madiha Yaqoob


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