
4 Mistakes to avoid when writing a resume

Spelling and grammatical mistakes in your resume can instantly land it in the trash. Your qualification might be impressive and you have a good experience but your resume errors could stand in the way between you and your dream job. As there is no room for silly typos, accidental date transpositions, and untruths, following are the simple ways with which you can cut down on your mistakes.

Relying on spell-checkers:

For job applicants, spell-checkers and other writing tools are considered a blessing to quickly get rid of the mistakes. But unfortunately, even spell-checkers can sometimes not detect the smallest mistakes including obvious difference between words such as ensure and insure, complement or compliment etc.

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So always read your document and even ask a friend to read it for you for any possible mistakes.

Stay consistent with your style:

For an eye-catching expediency, numerals are used by the marketing materials. The formal way of writing requires numbers ten and under in order to be spelled out. You have to make a choice for the style as your resume is both a formal document and a marketing tool. Stay committed to your choice and do not switch between them.


Proofreading is always advised for any document but the key to read it is after a break and once you are relaxed. When you are able to review it with a clear mind, you will be able to find possible mistakes which you might ignore otherwise.

Print out your resume and read it out loud:

Even after reading twice you may need to get it checked once again. The best way is to get the print out of the document, stand up, and read it aloud. It will not only help you to catch the typos but will also make you the writing style that needs improvement.

Your resume is a chance for impressing the people who view your abilities and skills for the first time. You need to make a first good impression by presenting yourself in the best possible manner to maximize the chances.

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Written by mebeing

3 biggest mistakes made by millennial

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