
5 Best productivity hacks at work

It’s very common for us to get distracted at work. It can be anything that can draw your attention from your coworker’s conversation to a Facebook notification. In any such situation, it is very difficult to carry on working so there is always a need for some productivity hacks that can keep us stay focused on the job.

Prioritize your to-do list:

When you don’t know where to start, the daily tasks sometimes become irritable. Begin by writing down each important and known task. Organize the tasks in three categories i.e. time-sensitive, most important, or least desirable.

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Plan for tomorrow:

The best productivity hack is to spend at least ten minutes every day planning for the next day. This will save you from wasting time every day to forget worrying about what to do next. The first hour of the day is very important in ensuring productivity for the rest of the day.

Ignore your phone ringing:

To stop your time from being wasted you need to ignore your phone. Only attend the calls which are on your schedule and this will prevent your time from escaping.

Organize by hours:

When faced with a busy or uncertain schedule, it can be tempting to try and plan out every minute of your day or week in advance. However, it’s important to remember that unexpected events can always arise and disrupt even the most carefully crafted plans.

Instead of making long-term plans, try to focus on organizing your time for the next few hours or the current day. This can help you stay present and engaged in the tasks at hand, rather than worrying about what you need to do next week or next month.

Reward yourself when work is done:

When you reach specific goals that you have set for yourself, it is time for you to reward yourself. It can be anything from eating your favorite food or spending time with your friends.

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Written by Hajra Naz


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