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5 Habits of exceptionally successful leaders

True leadership is indeed a difficult thing to pin down and understand. Even if you are working for one of the great leaders, they can have a hard time explaining the specifics of what they do that make their leadership so effective. But great leadership is dynamic and it requires habits that they perform on daily habits to help them become a better leader every single day.

Following are the few behaviors that you need to develop in order to become a better leader:

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Managing your time:

According to research, leaders spend an average of four to five hours a day on emails and phone calls alone. This makes it really hard to focus on important projects that require more attention. Therefore, it is important to give each project a specific time instead of multitasking. Once you have completed one project then move on to another one.

See: 5 important pieces of advice Bill Gates has given over the years

Delegate your work:

Being a leader does not mean that you accomplish all the work yourself. Becoming a great leader requires you to delegate your work to your employees and teach them how to think and ask the right questions. If you do not delegate your work properly, your employees will not be able to learn and improve which as a result will affect the progress of your organization.

Talking face to face:

It is no doubt that emails have made it easier to communicate with people. But nothing can be equal to the importance of meeting people face to face. For this purpose, set aside time each week to get out of your office and talk to everyone. Talk to each and every person from the supply clerk, to the receptionist, and the team members. Once you ask people personally how they are doing, they will feel valued and will work better for the organization.

Listen more than talking:

In order to learn more, you need to listen more. This is one of the habits of great leaders to listen for context as well as content in the form of deep listening. When you are listening to the other person, you are fully present in the moment with the person who is speaking. Deep listening does not allow you to judge or control a conversation and forces you to listen to the emotions, needs, and goals of the person speaking.

Looking for the next big ideas:

A great leader is always open to new ideas and this is what improves the efficiency of the current operation or makes a product better. A leader who is open-minded is not afraid of supporting the team to drive their ideas forward. Under such leadership, team members create noteworthy innovation.

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Written by Hina Javed Malik


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