
5 Motivating books to kick start your day

Books that are based on interviews with successful people virtually tell the same stories with the same life lessons. These are the kind of books that are based on personal anecdotes. Motivational books give you a perspective on the world, culture, and yourself rather than letting you dive into conventional self-help novels. This is one of the few things all successful people and leaders have in common. You can do the same if you want to find inspiration and wisdom to move your life forward.

Following are the books that do not require much of your time to read and you can complete them over the weekend:

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The Council of Dads:

Author: Bruce Feiler

This book is about the author’s personal journey of being a young father who was diagnosed with cancer. His sickness made him worry for his daughters as to how would they survive without him. He then thought of giving them a voice by creating “The Council of Dads: in which he reached out to six men from all passages of life. In this book, the author introduced men in his council and captured the life lessons he wanted to convey to his daughters.

The War of Art:

Author: Steven Pressman

This is a practical guide to succeeding in any creative sphere. The author identifies the enemy that every one of us must face. An outline is provided to conquer this internal foe and then how to achieve the greatest success.


Author: Daniel Pink

According to Daniel Pink, thinking that people will stay motivated by the rewards of money is a mistake. He says that the secret to high performance and satisfaction in personal and professional life is the deep human need to direct their own life.

The Little Book of Talent:

Author: Daniel Coyle

This book is an easy handbook of scientifically proven techniques that can improve your skills, your kid’s skills, and your organizational skills. This book is an essential guide for people who what to get better at no matter what they do.

Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In:

Author: Louis Zamperini & David Rensin

This book provides over 20 lessons to learn and there are a few chapters that need special attention. The author suffered torture by the Japanese for two years. But he bravely endured torture and psychological abuse. His life was transformed by a spiritual rebirth that guided him through the next sixty-five years of his contended life.

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Written by Hina Javed Malik

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