
5 really good books that can help you achieve more by doing less

You may have heard a lot about the achieving more by doing less but you still don’t get the gist of it at all. It is because conventionally it is assumed that the more the work, the greater will be the accomplishments. And this is something people are surprisingly entrapped with and focus more on doing more work no matter even if they screw themselves up.

But according to productivity experts, the key to achieving more is actually by doing less. It is true because when you leave no stone unturned while making efforts for accomplishing your goals, sometimes the results do not justify your time invested and efforts. This indicates that you need to stop working too hard and rather focus your energy on the right path.

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There are so many books that have been published to provide you with techniques to help you increase efficiency without burring yourself for hours in your work. Following are the few really good books that can help you achieve more by doing less:

The Pomodoro Technique: The Acclaimed Time-Management System That Has Transformed How We Work

Author: Francesco Cirillo

In this book the author has provided the time-management methods for people who procrastinate habitually. The techniques help the readers to gain more focus for completing a task, monitor the productivity, and set personal goals.

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time

Author: Brian Tracy

The basic purpose of this book is to remind readers of the old saying which says that if you eat a live frog every morning then you will have the satisfaction that it’s the worst thing you can do all day. This metaphor is used for confronting the most challenging tasks at the start of your workday and then moving on to the rest would seem much easier. This will help you get things done faster and in the right pattern.

Singletasking: Get More Done-One Thing at a Time

Author: Devora Zack

In today’s world, a lot of people have become addicted to multi-tasking considering it the fastest way to get things done. But according to experts, multi-tasking is just a waste of time, energy, and efficiency. Trying to tackle several things at the same time is just an illusion. Therefore, in order to keep your mind clear and calm, you need to focus on one task at a time. Adopting the single-tasking method is the secret to achieving more and with sanity.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Author: David Allen

In this book, the author David Allen has shared the amazing techniques for a stress-free performance that he has introduced. According to David, your productivity is directly proportional to your ability to relax. Productivity can be achieved only if you have a clear and calm mind.

Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life

Author: Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry

Unlike all the productivity myths of doing more, the authors focus on doing everything better. More productivity is actually about doing the right kind of work at the right time and recognizing whatever you do.

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