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5 Reasons Why Facebook Marketplace Is Better Than Craigslist

The Facebook’s marketplace is a centralized hub where its billions of users can purchase and sell their stuff online within their local communities. Although people have been using Facebook for a long time now but the marketplace has proved that it is smarter than the Craigslist for the 21st century. The company has targeted Craigslist because Facebook’s vast audience is spending most of its time in its ecosystem, predominately using the mobile apps. The platform’s reach is immense and in many ways it is not only faster but easier than Craigslist.

Following are the ways to make you understand how it is better than Craigslist:

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Easier to create listings:

With the Facebook’s app, it is easier to create listings on your phone. You can easily do that by

Selecting the field that says “What are you listing” and then chose the items for sale.

Capture the photos

Filling in the details regarding price, category, and description.

Becoming a member by adding the listing to any local for-sale groups.

Browsing on the phone is easier:

For using your browser to access the listing you need to have a lot more navigation. As you view the items you need a lot of tapping by going back and forth on the previous page and so on. But when you use the Facebook app, your one tap of the marketplace icon takes you at the local listings. Here, you immediately begin scrolling through the items that are available helps to filter the listings based on category, price, and location.

It is safe:

Facebook marketplace is a lot safer and enables you to come directly in contact with buyers and sellers Facebook accounts. It helps you to have a look at the person’s profile and find out how long they have been using the account. You can even check their previous market activity which can provide you an idea of what kind of person you are dealing with.

Provides greater odds for selling:

Facebook Marketplace offer better odds for selling your items and the success rate are about 70%. It is a lot more than Craigslist’s 25% because people do not browse much. Facebook, on the other hand, has about billion users and there are eyeballs rolling on all the time and can be looking at your ad.

Does not require a phone number or email address:

The biggest benefit of using Facebook Marketplace is that it does not require your phone number and email address. You can communicate without revealing any of the details. So, without revealing any personal information you can get instant messaging by the Messenger which also allows phone calls.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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