
5 ways to stop worrying and to remain safe from developing anxiety

Living in the golden age of tracking we are so much in a habit of tracking our steps, our sleep, and our time on the social media platforms that deem productivity killers. But what we are most ignorant of is the time that we spend on worrying. Of course, there is no such thing that has been created as a wrist tracker that can help to measure the time we spend on worrying about our future. But if there was some gadget to track our worry time, we would probably end each day with 10,000-steps. There are so many reasons that we worry but the simplest one is that we feel it as the easiest thing to do. But most of the things we worry about, never actually happen. This habit of worrying actually drains all the energy we can and we should spend on something productive.

So why not if we stop worrying? It is no doubt not easy but we can protect ourselves from some high level of worrying. Following are the ways to stop worrying and to remain safe from developing anxiety:

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Find clarity of your thoughts:

We get involved in worrying very easily when fears feel vague in our mind. The worries get exaggerated and we feel stuck in a situation with not even a single way out. But if you become clear on the worst thing that can happen for which you are worried about. The answer will come not as scary as you think and it will become to clear your thoughts saving you a lot of energy.

Don’t try to think about the opinion of others:

One of the most important factors that make people worry more is that they want to read the minds of others. But if we choose to stop thinking about others, we can lessen out misunderstandings and worries.

Take a break:

At times it happens that so many worries start to accumulate in our mind. It becomes hard to keep a track and we indulge in constant worrying thinking about things that are not in our control. But instead, if we say “stop” when we find ourselves catching all such thoughts, it will bring a lot of peace to our mind.

Regular exercise:

Our inner tensions give a rise to the confusions in our minds. When we sit and don’t do anything, we think and that causes are our mind to get involved in worrying. It is better if we release our inner tensions with working out until we are tired. It makes us feel more focused towards the tasks that are actually important.

Live in the present:

Reliving the past or thinking too much about the future can make our lives miserable. We can easily get swept away by the disaster scenarios and feel lost. The best way to reconnect with our own self is to slow down and start living in the present. We should focus 100 percent on what is going around in the present moment and should devote all out attention towards the issues of just the present moment.

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Written by Saima Ikram

Live – BeingGuru Magazine Issue 6

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