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50 Cent accidentally made $8 million in Bitcoin

“Ima keep it real, I forgot I did that shit lol.”

Famous rapper 50 Cent in the year 2014 let people buy his album Animal Ambition using a new cryptocurrency called Bitcoin that was not relatively popular those days. He forgot about the transactions and did not use his account for years only to find out recently that he is now a Bitcoin Millionaire. First reported by TMZ, this is by far the most amazing story related to Bitcoin beneficiary in 2018.

In 2014, the Bitcoin price was only $662 and 50 Cent fans could buy an album for a fraction of that. He made over $400,000 in price and did not use his account for years. His Bitcoin earning is now worth $8 million and will grow as the price of Bitcoin grows.

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Not bad for a kid from South Side, I’m so proud of me –  50 Cent

He is lucky that he did not forget the password of his account and was able to log back and access his money.

Lucky dude!

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