
6 Lessons You Will Learn Only Outside Your Comfort Zone

6 Lessons You Will Learn Only Outside Your Comfort Zone

Nice spot to be. Feels good. But, did you ever try new things? Ever thought of looking outside? Wonder what you could learn in new places? You might be amazed by what you find.

“Comfort zones are plush lined coffins. When you stay in your plush lined coffins, you die.” — Stan Dale

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It’s okay to like things easy. This is how a lot of people always live. But here’s the thing: they just exist, they don’t truly live. They never try for something better than normal. Getting used to easy things can stop you from doing great things and having a good life.

Trying new things is hard, but that’s how you get smarter, feel better about yourself, and grow as a person. This helps you make a really good life for yourself.

But What Exactly Is A Comfort Zone?

“Comfort is the enemy of progress.” — P.T. Barnum

It’s a nice place where you feel easy and happy. Things are the same old, same old. You don’t learn much new here. There are no big problems, and they’re easy to fix. You’re safe and glad.

That’s okay. We all like to be comfy. No one wants a hard life all the time. Feeling good is nice. So why leave? But life changes fast. It can surprise you and knock you down. This is bad news. Being comfy makes you lazy and weak. You lose your fighting spirit. So when you fall, you can’t get back up.

Read More: Why Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone is Your Secret Weapon

Welcome To The ‘uncomfort’ Zone

“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.” — Denis Waitley

Is there a phrase for the moment you give up trying to become a better version of yourself?  It’s called “comfort”. When you do new things, you face hard things and learn new skills. You become someone you never knew was inside you.

Trying new things helps you deal with life’s problems.

Doing hard things is where you change. It’s fun and exciting. This is the real life. It’s new and fun, and this is where you belong. You should live here, not just be here.

You Can Learn These Life Lessons by Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone.

“The only thing that is stopping you from where you are to where you want to go is your comfort zone.” — Dhaval Gaudier

Thinking of trying new things? Wonder what cool stuff is out there? Here are some things you’ll learn by doing new stuff. You’ll be happy you did.

1. Change is great.

Thinking of trying new things? Wonder what cool stuff is out there? Let’s talk about why stepping outside your safe place is good. You’ll learn things that make you happy you did it.

2. A challenge equals a mental workout.

Your brain and heart are like your body. They need work to be strong. Just like you use weights to make your arms strong, you need hard things to make your brain strong. This hard stuff is outside of what you are used to. We like to be comfy, but we need to push past that to make our minds better.

Hard things make us think about ourselves. We see that we can do more than we thought. The more hard things we do, the better we get at doing hard things. So, keep trying new hard things.

3. Pushing yourself helps you grow.

“Your comfort zone is not a place that you want to remain in. Dare, discover, be all that you can be.” — Catherine Pulsifer

Everybody has certain abilities and limitations. There are things we excel in and things we don’t. But, there are ideas in our heads that stop us from trying new things. These ideas hold us back from doing more than we think is possible.

Trying new things and stepping outside our safe place can help us learn and grow. What seemed hard before can become easy. Things we thought were impossible can become our biggest wins.

4. Happiness cannot be found in complacency.

Many folks think you can be happy by staying in your safe place. This is wrong. You might feel good, but real joy comes from doing hard things and reaching goals you never thought possible. Your safe place is where hopes die. This is not where fun lives.

To be happy, you must live life fully. You must travel to new locations and try new things. You have no idea what true joy is like if you consider yourself to be happy right now.

5. You are better than you believe you are.

An extended period spent in one location might negatively impact one’s self-esteem. These bad thoughts stop you from doing big things. You feel upset and mad. Instead of changing yourself, you blame others for not liking you. This is easier than facing your own mistakes.

Trying something new will help you stop thinking bad things about yourself. You will start working towards your dreams. Soon, you will see that people think you are brave, smart, and good at things. You are better than you think.

Read More: You Won’t Learn Anything If You’re Not Outside Your Comfort Zone 

6. Life is a beautiful journey.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” — Neale Donald Walsch

The truth is, what you see outside your safe place is amazing. When you first go out, you see how bright, fun, and shiny life can be. Sure, you won’t like everything. But as you get used to feeling unsure, you will see the good things in life that were hidden before.

Now that you’re out, you can see how pretty the world is and it opens up to you in new ways. The more you try new things, the better it gets. As your old ideas about life change, you will find a whole new world right outside. You just need to start slowly.

Smash Those Walls And Step Outside

“Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating into your old comfort zone, pat yourself on the back and say, “I must be growing,” and continue moving forward.” — T. Harv Eker

Break free from the wall you built around yourself. Your thoughts hold you back. Don’t let scary ideas stop you. If you stay the same, nothing changes. Find the power inside to break through your safe place.

You won’t want to turn back once you’ve faced your anxieties. You’ll be able to observe your strength and capabilities. This will be a fun and wild trip to the life you always wanted.

Go live your life now!

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Written by Hajra Naz


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