
6 Secrets of entrepreneurship that are not taught in college

While studying in college you have no idea how it would feel to apply a theory in reality. It is because you are not taught about the application of any theory especially when it comes to entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship in the real world is much more different than the theory.

The vast gulf between academic thought and the real world application cannot be explained in a few steps. But there are few skills that can help you get an idea of how things work in the practical world.

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Staying focused:

The entrepreneurial world is all about leveraging your strengths to overcome your weak points. You need to know your strengths by learning from experiences. These can be your own experiences as well as of those who are around you. By reflecting on those experiences you can get an idea what your areas of strength are. You can then use these skills in sales, negotiations, or anywhere you think appropriate.

Thinking about other people’s perspectives:

When you are on board and are launching a product or brand, you need to think about everything from other people’s perspectives. You need to be able to answer how it benefits a person and fulfill their desire. You will meet different characters in practical entrepreneurial journey about whom you have never been told in your class.


The timings of your idea should be correct because it matters the most when you are coming up with something new. For example, Elon Musk’s launch of electric cars earlier would have been a disaster. He interacted with wealthy people and understood the importance of “being green” and then offered a new option that became the reason of his success. You can end up into failure if you fail to misidentify the market.

Being passionate:

Entrepreneurial journey is not easy and you need to be motivated to follow your passion no matter what circumstances are. If you don’t believe yourself, no one is going to believe you. Commitment and belief are the key elements required by entrepreneurship. Believe in your passion, be confident, and go where it leads you.

Be ready to take risk:

Once you are able to read people, believe in yourself, and make a good impression, you must use these skills to gain an edge to stay in control. You should be able to take risks and never let go of the opportunities that come your way.

Finding success:

It is good to read books and articles, listen to the podcasts for finding success. But there is no fixed strategy for everyone. You should be able to use all the key elements to find your own way that leads to success.

It is no doubt that a college degree gives you an understanding about the entrepreneurship. But you need to mix your common sense with the knowledge you have gained in order to find the success you require.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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