
COVID-19 – 6 Secrets Of Self-Control To Move In A Right Direction In Life

Everybody in the world is experiencing a stay at home, definitely the first of its kind ever in modern history. Not allowed to go outside and unable to experience normal daily routine which we are used to is not easy.

Have you ever thought that if self-control is a matter of genetic luck or can it be taught? Recent researches indicate that though all humans are biologically prewired, nature is not as separable from nurture as it was once assumed.

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Psychologists have discovered that anyone can take control of the momentary temptations that can distract you from your long-term goals. It is because humans have the capacity to deal with their distractions by managing their self-control.

Following are the few strategies that can help to ensure your efforts to boost your willpower and can keep you headed in the right direction:

1- Meditation:

Your brain is actually a self-control machine. You need to meditate and turn it into an active one and it will help to improve your emotional intelligence. Just committing five minutes a day focus on your breathing and your senses can make you more self-aware and give your brain the ability to resist the destructive impulses.

2- Eating healthy:

When it comes to self-control, it becomes hard to control yourself from the sugary food. But the sugary food spikes your sugar for a short period of time and leaves you exhausted afterward. Therefore, if you have trouble keeping yourself away from unhealthy food, then you better opt for something healthy. Healthy food in the form of dry fruit or fresh fruit will give you much more energy and will help you stay fit.

3- Working-out:

Doing exercise can help you a lot to keep your impulses under control. Working out for even 10 minutes can help your body to release GABA. While you are forced to stay indoors, you can still do healthy exercises such as pushups. It is a neurotransmitter that makes your brain feel relaxed and keeps you in control.

4- Having enough sleep:

Without glucose, your brain cell’s ability is highly diminished when you are tired. And without sleep, you are more likely to crave sugary snacks in order to compensate for the low glucose levels. Therefore, it is very important to sleep enough to have self-control over your eating. Keeping your temptations under control can be done best when you are having enough sleep.

5- Wait:

When you feel high on a temptation then it is always advised by the experts to wait at least ten minutes before succumbing it. It is because when a stronger wave of temptation subsides, you feel much stronger to bring it under control.

6- Learn

Use this time wisely. When the COVID-19 finally comes to an end, you will come out as a different person in a different world but the question is, will you be a better person?. You could only be a better person if you learn new skills, not necessary tech skills only, soft skills too, that could help you withstand the extreme professional pressure. The world is going to change, are you ready to change yourself too for a better survival?


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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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