
6 top reason when to say “no’ at work

Most of the people love being the one who takes on an impossible task and think things can be taken care of easily. But nodding to every opportunity that comes across your lap brings a stress overload for which you must learn to say “No”. The advice of saying “no” is a lot easier said than done. It is especially difficult when you have grown accustomed to saying “yes” all the time. It does feel tempting to say yes to all the upcoming opportunities but there are times when you are way better off turning things down.

Following are the few instances when it is actually okay and you are even encouraged to say “No”.

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1. Ineffective assignments:

Most often it happens that you accept tasks that are ineffective and do not have any value. According to experts, you should right away say “no” to these tasks as they will bring no benefit to your work.

2. Things that do not contribute to your goals:

It is not necessary for you to accept the responsibility of doing things that do not contribute towards achieving your goals. You have the right to know what is expected of you and what are you working towards.

3. Meaningless meetings:

Meetings are often a waste of time and according to experts, they keep you from getting your work done. They are unproductive and very often bring any benefit to the project you are working on therefore, it is best to say no to them.

4. When you have to compromise your values:

There are times when you are offered something that require you to compromise your values. It is the time a lump gets stuck in the back of your throat and indicates to draw a line.

5. Demanding the impossible:

When you agree to deliver projects that are impossible to deliver can reflect poorly on your performance. Therefore, whenever you are offered any project, give preference to your priorities and workload, and then if you think you can’t manage, simply say “no” to it.

6. Agreeing to extra work:

When you have additional assignments to work on, there is no need to pile up extra work. All it is going to do is bring a bad impact on the quality of your work. Therefore, first complete whatever you have in line and say “no’ to extra work during that period.

Via: Business Insider 

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