
6 Work-life balance tips to reduce stress levels, health issues

Sometimes you feel juggling between demands of your job and the rest of your life and even by putting an extra effort, you feel like nothing in place. For many people, it is difficult to find a balance in life and work. They fail to bring any enjoyment in their life and spend more time in office that leads to high stress-levels, long-term health issues, and poor social connections.

For finding your way back on the track, you need to implement certain tips in life. Following are the few to get started with:

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Figure out your priorities:

A lot of your time gets wasted on deciding what to do first and what to leave for later. Make a list by keeping in mind the true purpose you are working for. Figure out what is important in your life and make an actual priority list of goals.

Be aware of the time-wasting areas:

When it comes to balancing your work and personal life, you have to look closely what are the things that are wasting a lot of your time. Identify what are the unpleasant tasks that push you to procrastinate and also remove the distractions as much as you can. Get into the flow of productivity by focusing on one thing at a time and taking breaks. These breaks will not slow down your work, instead, they will make your memory sharper, and you will become efficient in whatever you do.

Make time to do something unimportant:

You often enjoy things that seem unimportant in life. But these are the activities that actually recharge you and improve your performance overall. Therefore, discover what things you mostly enjoy and schedule time for performing them on daily basis.

Take care of your physical health:

Your work-life balance depends a lot on how physically fit you are. Your life becomes worse when you start to neglect your body. Instead of just sleeping and running for your work, take out time to exercise. Go to the gym, join a yoga class, or go out in the nature for a long walk. This will keep you fit physically as well as mentally lessening the chances of burnout die to your busy schedule.

Keep some time as private:

When you end your work, then completely disconnect from it and give time to you, family, and friends. Avoid checking your emails and work phone during off hours. All the time you spend at home, consider it like a vacation and enjoy it as much as you can. Keep your behavior good with your family and avoid transferring your work stress into your private life.

Become comfortable in saying “NO”:

For bringing a balance into your work and life, you have to learn to say “no” to things that are not beneficial to you in any way. Just don’t accept the work because you don’t want to make people sad. Give importance to your own needs and become comfortable in saying “no” may it be your friends or colleagues.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

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