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63 billion messages on WhatsApp on New Year’s Eve

The Facebook owned company WhatsApp has recently revealed the number of messages that have been sent on New Year’s Eve. According to the announcement 63 billion messages have been sent by the users and this record-breaking number includes 7.9 billion images and 2.4 billion videos.

Over a year ago, WhatsApp wasn’t even close to these figures. In February, the platform reported to have a billion active users but the recent number is astonishing. In the beginning of 2016, the company revealed a total of 60 billion messages sent on daily basis across all of Facebook and WhatsApp combined. Facebook and WhatsApp are continuing to grow in users as well as popularity but its only WhatsApp that has reached new heights.

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As of September 2015, services such as Telegram reported to have 12 billion messages sent every day have now more than 100 million active users on the platform. Also, Apple’s iMessage is expected to see tens of billions of messages through the platform on daily basis.

As of April 2014, WhatsApp had 500 million monthly active users which reached to 600 million monthly active users as of August 2014. This number slowly went up to 900 million monthly active users after a year and reached to one billion active users in February 2016.

In both developed as well as emerging markets across Asia and Middle East, WhatsApp is relatively a strong player. And acquisition of WhatsApp for $22 billion in 2014 now seems a smart move made by Facebook.

Via: Venture Beat

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Written by mebeing


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