
7 Books that will help you in succeeding in the tech world

Tech is no doubt a tough field and everyone seems to agree with that. Workers in the tech industry get hit hard as it is an ever-changing landscape. But what so many people ignore is that what does it take to overcome the adversities in this sector? By reading canonical and formative books in the tech field a lot of valuable information can be gleaned in a short period of time. Reading is the best way to learn and grow and nothing in the world can replace the wisdom that exists in books.

Following are the most popular and effective books for understanding the tech industry on the whole as they will help you a lot to expand your mind as well as the skillset.

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Hooked: How to build habit-forming products

Author: Nir Eyal

In this book, the author explains how a four-step process is embedded into the products of many companies to slightly encourage the customer behavior. The information in the books is based on Nir Eyal’s year of research, consulting as well as practical experience. It helps readers to know the actionable steps for building products that people love and practical insights for creating user habits that actually stick.

The industries of the future:

Author: Alec Ross

This book helps readers to understand the changes that will take place in the next ten years. The fields that are considered to shape most of the economic future such as robotics, artificial intelligence, cybercrime etc. are examined by the author. Alec Ross has answered the toughest questions in these fields.

Lean In:

Author: Sheryl Sandberg

This book is written by Chief Operating Officer at Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg and she provides practical advice for women. She explains the negotiation techniques, mentorship, and building a satisfying career for women and how certain steps they can take to combine professional achievement with personal fulfillment.


Author: Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler

This book serves as a visionary roadmap for people who think that they can change the world. It provides advice for bringing together the patterns and technologies to turn their dream into a reality

Zero to One:

Author: Peter Theil

Written by the legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Theil, Zero to One is a book that shows how you can find singular ways to create new things. According to Theil, there are still unchartered frontiers to explore and new inventions to create in the tech industry.

Innovation and its Enemies:

Author: Calestous Juma

The rise of artificial technology has signaled both hope and fear for employment of future generations. It has made people frame the new technologies as a risk to moral values, human health, and safety to the environment. But according to the author, besides these risks underlie the unacknowledged considerations.

Alibaba: The House that Jack Ma Built

Author: Duncan Clark

This book explains how in just a decade, a man from the modest beginnings founded and built one of the biggest e-commerce companies in the world, Alibaba. It provides valuable insights that how he rivaled Walmart and Amazon to forever reshape the global economy.

Via: Business Insider

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