
7 proven steps to let go of worrying and reduce anxiety

Just in case you have managed to miss all the hype, rewiring your brain is an umbrella term referring to improve your thoughts emotions through simple strategies. This concept of changing thinking and emotions has replaced the formerly held belief that an adult brain was hard-wired because of the critical development of childhood. No doubt, your brain is much more elastic during initial years and its capacity declines with, but changes can be brought throughout your life.

In this modern age, it is hard for our brains to choose things that are actually good for us because of which it goes into a state of anxiety. There are no benefits to anxiety and can rob you for life. Therefore in order to calm your mind and let go of worrying, you need to follow few strategies.

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Following are some of the proven steps that can surely help you to reduce anxiety:

1. Get into a comfortable position:

When you start to feel anxiety kicking in your brain, take some time and get yourself into a comfortable position. Go to a quiet place; grab a chair and place your feet on a higher place. Just bring yourself in a position that makes your whole body feel comfortable.

2. Get the eyes closed:

When you are feeling anxious about something, you need to give your body some time to catch up with the feeling it’s going through. Close your eyes and let your whole body relax. Closing your eyes will close the outside world for some time and you will have time to focus on the situation.

3. Refocus on your energy:

Once you lie down comfortably then start focusing on your body. Feel your breathing and feel your body through it. Pay attention to how your arms and legs feel and this will help you visualize what you are doing. This action will take you away from the anxiety situation and you will be able to refocus on the energy in your body.

4. Pay attention to your breathing:

Once you start observing your breathing, start paying attention to your breathing sounds. You don’t have to change the way you breathe but this will help to shift your focus from whatever is making you feel anxious. Pay attention to the sounds when you inhale and exhale the air into space and it will help to reduce anxiety.

5. Let your mind wander:

Once you shift your focus, your mind will start to wander to other things. Let your brain stroll as it may help your to start an open communication to figure out how to solve the problem.

6. Redirect your thoughts:

Once you feel your mind has wandered enough, redirect towards your breathing and calm your mind. This will prepare you to start again with your day.

7. Do not hurry:

Bringing your mind to a calm state is a slow process. For changing the way to allow stress to enter in your life may take a lot of time. You have to be patient with it and keep practicing it to improve over time.

Via: IDeaPod

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Written by mebeing

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