
7 Signs of heart attack you should not ignore

It is still a mystery that why we keep on neglecting our health risks our lives. We sometimes don’t even consider our lifestyle that can be responsible for getting us closer to having a heart attack. Unhealthy diet, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, and diabetes. But our body warns us before a major breakdown has to happen to our entire system. However, we stay naive of the symptoms that our body shows before having a heart attack.

Because of the advancements in technology, it has become possible to stay alert about any possible symptoms that can warn us about our health. The useful information available on the internet can help us save our lives even if we don’t care to live too much sensibly.

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Following are the few signs that your body will give you a month before you have a heart attack. Recognizing the symptoms will help you take precautionary measures by consulting your doctor before it is too late.


One of the main symptoms that indicate an impending heart attack is the unusual fatigue. When you feel exhausted even performing simple tasks like making a bed, taking a shower then it is quite apparent that your body is not functioning normally.

Abdominal pain:

The abdominal pains are easily confused with a heart problem. But poor circulation or an ongoing nausea or vomiting particularly in women over 60 can be a symptom for a heart attack. Before the heart attack, the abdominal pains are of episodic nature, ease, but then return for short periods of time.


When you experience difficulty in falling asleep and staying asleep or waking up early than you used to, then this can be a cause of insomnia. Insomnia is a big reason for increasing the chances of a heart attack.

Hair loss:

This affects men over the age of 50 as baldness is linked to an increased level of the hormone cortisol. Loss of hair from the crown of the head really needs to be noticed for possibility of heart attack.

Irregular heart beat:

When you are nervous or excited, it is normal to have an increased heartbeat. But if starts to happen very often and lasts for more than 1-2 minutes and doesn’t fade then you better approach the doctor as fast as you can as it may cause you dizziness and extreme fatigue.

Excessive perspiration:

One of the early sign of heart attack is excessive sweating for no obvious reason. Women more commonly experience sweating. But generally if you feel flu-like symptoms, experience sweatiness regardless of the temperature or any physical exertion then you need to pay attention.

Chest pain:

Uncomfortable sensations in one or both arms because of chest pain, the lower jaw, neck, shoulders and stomach is a sign usually described by people who experience a heart attack. It makes them feel pinching and burning or feeling pressure as an elephant is sitting on them.

Via: Hack Spirit

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

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