
7 ways good leaders build trust and upscale their business

Trust is the most important part of every successful business. Building trust in the workplace is an ongoing process and it is something you need to keep at the top of your to-do list. When you are a confident and a reliable leader, it inspires your workers, increases motivation levels, boosts productivity, and encourages engagement by every single person.

Hopefully, you have hired people whom you trust but it is also important to make sure that they trust you as well. Following are the proven ways that can help you build trust among your employees as a good leader:

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Present the bigger picture:

When there is uncertainty about a company’s goals, it leads to chronic stress among employees. It undermines the performance of the entire team. Therefore, you as a leader need to present a clear picture of the company’s goals and create a space for communication and openness. Make sure to introduce the company’s goals, way of working, and expectations of the role with every single employee.

Listen carefully:

According to Professor Christine Riordan, active listening is the key to building trust among employees. You can listen to the workers by asking them questions like how is the project going? What according to them is going well? And what can be done differently to perform the work in a better way? Listen to what your employees have to say and make sure to help them in every possible way.

Delegate low-risk projects with employees:

Experts suggest a good leader begins a cycle of trust by delegating low-risk projects and setting a deadline for it. With your employee, communicate what it is required to come up with better results. Leave them to it and when successfully completed, set a high-risk project the same way.

Set regular meetings:

You can create a trusting environment by setting regular meetings with your employees to give and receive feedback. You can run a weekly meeting to discuss with employees that what went well and what didn’t work? And discuss further plans to make things better.

Be open an honest:

As a good leader, you need to be open and honest with your workers. Share with them if you need something done differently and explain it to them how it would help. Also, ask them to share one issue that troubled them with their work the entire week.

Stay true to your word:

In the workplace, predictable behavior is seen more trustworthy, therefore, only commit to things you know you can do. Even if you fail to deliver what you have promised, make up for it. Accept your mistake and work hard to fix everything.

Appreciate good work:

It has been proven by neuroscience that appreciation or recognition has great effects on trust when it occurs immediately after a goal is achieved. So, make sure to appreciate good work immediately and praise the individual’s efforts personally as well as publically.

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Written by mebeing


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