
Adapt these 5 strategies to feel motivated all the time and reach your goals faster

No matter how productive or successful you are, there will always be days to make you feel overwhelmed. This is the time when it will be hard for you to stay motivated. You feel paralyzed when you become overwhelmed and can easily walk away from you actually need to do.

Feeling unmotivated is something really natural and you can experience it at any part of the day. But what you can do on those days to stay productive is trying to get back on track. Following are the strategies you can adopt that you can do when feeling overwhelmed, these will help you to reach your goals faster.

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Once you start feeling overwhelmed, the fastest way to stay motivated is to relax your body. For this purpose, focus on your breathing and deep in and out deeply. It is a simple technique which is usually not given much importance but it is really important to help you calm down. Connect with yourself for few minutes and think more deeply about the running emotions in your body.

Have compassion for yourself:

For staying motivated in all your tasks, you need to have self-compassion. No matter how many mistakes you make, how much frustrated you are, and fall short of your ideals, to accept your humanity and be kind to yourself. This is very important for recovering from the cycle of being overwhelmed.

Prioritize your tasks:

Once you feel you have come back in a relaxed position, then make a list of what is most important for you to complete first. Choose the things that can be done later on and work on them once you are done with the prioritized tasks. It will help you to put down everything from your head on a paper and feel much less stressed and less overwhelmed.

Do not multitask:

Most of the people think that multi-tasking can help them to get more work done in a short span of time. But this is not true. Multitasking distracts you from what needs to be done carefully and you remain unable to finish all the projects in a good way. According to experts, the best way to move on is to do one thing at a time and then move forward to the next one.

Get assistance:

If you feel you are procrastinating because of being overwhelmed and are unable to control your emotions, then get assistance from someone who can help you out. A good coach can help you to increase your productivity, have better time-management, communication skills, and have overall satisfaction.

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Written by Ahmed Shaami

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