
Learn these 5 skills to stop being judgmental and avoid jumping to conclusions

Do you snap judgments and jump to conclusions in your personal or professional life? If you do, then it may have brought you into trouble many times. Without sufficient knowledge when you make up your mind too quickly about things, it inevitably leads to making decisions and choices that are simply wrong. The reason for making hasty decisions is that as humans, you don’t like uncertainty. You like to feel that you know everything and by making a snap judgment about something, you decide that you know what’s it’s all about.

But if you want to hold back from hasty and possibly wrong conclusions that you will have to learn to become comfortable with the uncertainty that surrounds you for so many things in life. Following are the ways that can help you overcome this issue:

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Remember how many times you made snap judgments:

For overcoming your habit of making quick judgments you must remember how many times you jumped to conclusions. When was the last time you accused your loved one of some flaw and it turned out to be wrong? You might have made your decisions before getting aware of the actual situation.

See the whole picture:

When you come across a situation of uncertainty, you must force yourself to see the big picture and ignore all the minor issues. Once you realize what the whole issue is about, you will pay attention to where it leads and how the whole process takes place.

Focus on choices:

Shift your focus away from spiraling into the worst-case scenarios and instead, think about the choices that can ameliorate the situation. You will stop feeling trapped, helpless, and angry, and it will create more positive energy in you. It will help transform pessimistic feelings into optimistic ones and you will concentrate on the next step easily.

Don’t get fooled by the illusions:

When you rush to judgments, it is more likely because you are fooled by the illusions. Learn to take your time in thinking about all aspects what things are just in your imagination and do not exist in reality.

Look at feelings underneath your response:

Feelings and anger go hand-in-hand along with other experiences. Once you name the underlying feelings that make you jump to conclusions, you become better at addressing them in the right way. Once you recognize and accept that you sometimes you don’t and won’t know, it becomes your new certainty.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)

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