
Read these 5 books if you have a creative mind

The most challenging aspect related to creative work is to actually sit down and do it. There are numerous ways to cull out your creativity. There is no proper way to unleash your creative potential but the best way is to learn from the greats and create your own artistic roadmap based on what resonates with you.

Following are the few books that can inspire your inner genius especially if you are a writer or an artist:

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Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking

Author: David Bayles

This book gives the message to artists that if you are afraid of what you are creating, keep going because you are creating something valuable. This book explores the way art gets made, the reasons it doesn’t get created, and the nature of the obstacles that scares so many artists to give up along the way.

So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love

Author: Cal Newport

This book is an eye-opener for people who only believe in the idea of becoming something. They see themselves reaching a point and completely ignore the process. This book, however, explains that you have to love what you do more than the idea of what you want to become.

The Alchemist

Author: Paulo Coelho

This book is written by a folk tale writer and this is the reason it has become so popular. It starts with a simple story of how a young shepherd boy finds reward and fulfillment in the place where he started. It reminds people to have patience during the journey and do not get caught up chasing the elusive rewards you think you need.

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

Author: Anne Lamott

This book is especially for all the creative writers because it helps them remember why they love writing. This book teaches skills that are relevant even for those who are beginning with their writing journey. It focuses on keeping sentences simple so that people can easily understand the message they are being given.

Portnoy’s Complaint

Author: Philip Roth

This is a novel about a Jewish boy who relives his adolescence and young adulthood on a therapist’s couch. It is a powerful reminder to not be afraid to create what your soul calls for you to create, to tell your story, and to go your own way.

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