
Freelancers can make their Quotes stand out on

As a freelancer, one has to face tough competition. The competition is tough and sometimes there are hundreds of proposals for one job.

In order to give a competitive edge to freelancers,, one of the world’s largest freelance marketplaces has an amazing feature that gives them an edge over other freelance marketplaces.

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Freelancers can get more visibility with Premium Quotes. They are a bit costly, takes 4 bids to send one Premium Quote (executive membership) and the price goes higher for lesser packages, but there is an advantage to taking that route.

When you bid on a job, you want to be hired. Premium Quotes increase the visibility of your Quote by upgrading it and placing it on the top of other quotes. They are highlighted with green tags, providing maximum visibility and provide better conversion rates too.

The ability to send Premium Quotes is only available to Freelancers with Professional, Business, and Executive Memberships.

Imagine you bidding on a project where they are already hundreds of bids placed.

By making your bid Premium, your quote gets on the top of other proposals, highlighted in green with a Premium Quotes flag, letting the client know — you are serious about your business and come in as highly recommended by A client also gets to know that you have paid a premium price to be heard.

What are your thoughts about this?

Hosting 75% off

Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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