
These 7 Mistakes Get Your Resume in Trash Can.

Sometimes despite all the academics success and educational experience, your resume ends up in trash. That is because of the minor errors that you do not notice while making a resume. These little mistakes are minor for you but not overlooked by the hiring authorities. In fact, these errors spoil your whole image before the managers even considers your resume.

Following are the errors which you can avoid to stop getting your resume rejected. These are mostly overlooked by the applicants but make a big impact while getting selected.

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Typos and grammatical errors:

The hiring managers look at your resumes with expectations of a sensibly complied section of your educational background and experience in the respective field. When they spot the typographical or grammatical errors, they do not hesitate to throw it.

Adding links:

The worst thing that most of the applicants do is they add their personal links to these two social accounts on their resumes. Opinioned Twitter or Instagram accounts land their resumes into the rejection list. The reason is, employer is looking to know more about you rather then watching your pictures on Instagram or tweets at Twitter. Research suggests Facebook, Google Plus links are acceptable though (only if your posts are public).

Absence of information about skills and experience:

The basic purpose of the resume is to tell the hiring managers whether you fit to their criteria or not. If you do not focus on your skills and experience in the respective field you are applying for, then you CV will be of no use to the hirers. Your resume should be a clear description of your skills and abilities so that managers prefer you as a good fit for their job post.


Lying on your resume can hurt your career, even if the job lands in your hand. Hiring manager have eyes of a hawk, they can catch you on the very first day. So avoid lying about your education or experience.

Tell the hiring managers what you cannot do:

Do not mention anything negative in your resume because it is just the start. Telling managers that you cannot bear angry customers make you seem intolerant which definitely makes you inappropriate for the job post.

Lack of relevant experience:

Adding useless information on your resume often lands it in the pile of junk. Hiring managers are looking for an applicant who they think fits best to their requirement. The requirement details are always given in the job post. If you fill your resume with unnecessary details, it will become irrelevant.

Irrational formatting:

Being creative is good but you cannot be creative with the formatting on your resume. A standard template is most suitable for formatting of your resume. Keep it simple and it will make a good impact.

Writing a good resume does not necessarily mean that you follow some specific rules. Resume is a marketing communication so it should be appropriate to your situation and a brief guide with the most basic principles.

Are you making these mistakes?


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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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