Dream & Reality – The Connection between 2 worlds

Are they really that far different?

What are dreams and how do they differ from reality? Are they just an escape from the actual world? Or do they have a real connection to reality, our emotions, and our thoughts?

How come sometimes your dreams are so vivid? You can barely remember them, they feel absolutely senseless and illogical but other times they feel so real, like you’re living them or like you’ve already experienced it. Do dreams have a connection to you? Maybe a past life? Or maybe a glimpse of the future? Or are they just influenced by your experiences, thoughts, memories, fears, and desires?

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Some believe reality is a dream too, a true one. However, some experts say that our dreams have no connection to our reality. It’s honestly scary when you think about it, how you can go from a world full of fantasies to a game filled with hurdles by just opening your eyes.

Is Déjà vu just an illusion of one’s memory or a dream they’ve seen before? Maybe it’s a scenario we manifested subconsciously in our minds before actually living it. If so, the world we live in wouldn’t really be that far different from the world we dream about. Every day is a new day to dream, a new day full of different possibilities waiting for you and endless goals waiting to be achieved.

Manifesting dreams into reality is nothing but one’s belief in themselves. Defining our dreams clearly, being specific about what we want to achieve, and setting a purpose to help maintain motivation towards it is the first step. Have you ever thought about all the things you could achieve if there were no challenges in life? No “What ifs” and no “Buts”? What if I tell you it’s all just a mind game and any dream could be turned into reality if you want it to? Even if it seems unrealistic, a positive mindset can cultivate wonders.

One’s dreams and life goals go hand in hand. Goals are essential for making dreams come true. They help turn big ideas into small, manageable steps. Without goals, dreams can feel far away and hard to reach. Goals give us a clear direction and keep us motivated, making it easier to achieve what we hope for. In simple terms, goals are like a map that guides us from dreaming to doing.

The Law of Attraction is a concept that suggests that our thoughts and feelings can attract corresponding experiences and outcomes into our lives. It is based on the idea that like attracts like and that our mental state can influence our external reality. The fundamental idea is that whatever energy you emit through your thoughts and feelings is eventually going to be the energy you attract in reality.

So, what do we get from this?

Are dreams really just visual pictures we see? Are they just something we can wish upon? Absolutely not. We can shape our reality through our dreams and intentions. Our dreams guide us, showing us what we truly want. When we focus our thoughts and actions on these dreams, we can make them come true. This connection between dreams and reality shows how powerful our intentions are. Our dreams are not just fantasies, they are seeds of possibility.

By believing in them and working towards them, we can turn them into reality. We are indeed the creators of our own futures.

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