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Steve Jobs feared killing of Apple’s Future Innovation with Focus on Sales and Marketing

Sometime the absence of a great leader or an innovator is felt more when the successor fails to meet the expectations. It is not easy to fit oneself in somebody else’s shoes and come up with the same way of thinking as the other person. This is the reason that innovation often comes from a person who has a broader vision of changing the industry and do not fear the risks involved. These risks often halt the process of large companies who face many barriers which prevent them from taking these risks. These barriers may involve poor company culture, losing everything, lack of ability, and innovative moves.

For Apple, Steve Jobs was not just one person. He was the one who laid foundations of the technical giant. The rebellious nature of Steve Jobs motivated the company to take risks and go against the business norms. The company developed a win-at-all-costs attitude and made all unimaginable ways possible in business.

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One time Steve Job tricked Carly Fiorina and gave the HP branded iPod. It was for HP/Compaq computers to allow iTunes Music store go for the media rather than Windows Media Player. After that Apple brought an upgraded version of the iPod and made the HP’s version an outdated one.

Now with Tim cook as the new leader of the company, Apple has become an expensive IoT jewelry store that is providing form of jewelry devices to connect with the internet. His focus is more on marketing and sales rather than taking risks to evolve the company into something unique. Although it is the most profitable company in US at the moment but the way it is being led by Tim, it can end up soon as any other tech giant.

As the company is moving towards more profit oriented goals, the creativity seems to be dying. There are not any innovative projects being worked on rather the main focus for the company is to improve the already existing devices.

The last innovation that took place in the Apple devices was in 2011 when the iPhone design was changed. There were slight changes as elimination of the headphone jack; the device was made waterproof, and an up gradation of the camera. But no big innovation has taken place since Apple came under Tim’s leadership. Motorola on the other hand, took bigger risk involving the creation of its modular phone called Moto Z. The elimination of USB port and the SD card reader in the devices, Apple has actually been deprived of the capability to succeed.

Apple’s chance of winning with the world’s notable innovator might be over but still it can transit back to be the real trend setter. According to sources, Tim Cook replaced all the innovative processes with real processes and structures. He created a great opportunity for investors but ended the creative spiral. When Time Cook was appointed as the new CEO of the company, Steve Jobs was aware of his capabilities. In a video he discussed those leaders who focus mainly on the sales and marketing strategies and ignore the creativity that is required to bring a change.

According to Steve Job, creativity is the essence of innovation. It comes from connections that apparently seem impossible. These connections by no means can be created with systematic processes; rather innovation comes with broken barriers and boundaries. Creativity arises when something currently done is replaced with new ways.

The article originally appeared on Linkedin



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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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