
How to build strong personal networks

Strong personal networks do not just happen at the water cooler; they have to be carefully constructed.

For being successful, creativity and insight are important but for presenting imagination in front of the world, you need an effective network. Networks raise your level of information from what you know to whom you know. A strongly built network provides confidence in creating links among people you know and winning

For digital nomads, this network building is far more important than the people who are working in other fields because their number has increased tremendously in the last couple of years. This is because digital nomads or independent entrepreneurs run their businesses and serve clients from various corners of the world. These digital nomads are the symbol of a lifestyle that frees individuals from the limitations of location and time. They have the freedom to choose where they work and live therefore they rely heavily on their online networks. The online world gets them in touch with new clients and cultivates them in an online community.

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Following are the key rules that help digital nomads and entrepreneurs to build an effective online network.

Nothing better than the breakfast places to start with:

Digital entrepreneurs, freelancers, bloggers, and consultants are making the concept of traditional workspace obsolete. The technology that frees us from traditional offices also chains us with work through different places. Breakfast places are becoming the most preferred spots by these digital nomads to start their work. You can find many professionals discussing and sharing their work at these locations. Therefore, these are a great way to build an effective online network for digital nomads. There are indefinite numbers of places where you can go and get inspiration from working with digital professionals.

New ways of expansion:

The old saying “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” still seems relevant in this age. Securing a job depends on the network of contacts the arduous task of business expansion has become much easier and faster with the growing technology. Majority of the job hunters now move towards online platforms for searching for their job. This has made online and social platforms a preferred place for digital nomads.

Getting involved with as many networks as possible can be a great kickstart for your business. Many of the online platforms provide business support through paid membership programs as well as offer courses that teach how to run online businesses.

Master the nerve to ask questions to a professional:

You feel pressure on your nerves when you ask questions from a professional. Build an authentic connection with your mentor by asking relevant questions. Professionals value and appreciate questions that help to follow up on relevant articles, projects, and challenges therefore do not waste time asking irrelevant stuff.

Invest in Time:

Many people have ideas but only a few decide to turn their imagination into something practical.  A true entrepreneur is a doer, not just a daydreamer therefore invests time in business and does great work. Investment of time is an important element in any business, you plan and think of strategies for future expansion. Therefore, it is crucial for growing your business and becoming successful in your professional life.

A business evolves when individuals achieve accomplishments by working in an environment that helps to inspire, connect and enable them to develop their best work every step of the way. The online space, community, and global platform support social innovators to focus on the collective action of creating better work. Therefore, connect with people and platforms that offer you the best possible options for walking smoothly on your career path.

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Written by Hina Javed Malik


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