
Google will open-source Google Earth enterprise

For internal geospatial applications, Google Earth Enterprise was launched for businesses wanting to build and host private versions of Google Earth and Google Map. It was originally launched over 10 years ago.

The service was considered to be suspended as the company had declared a shutdown in March 2017 two years ago. But surprisingly Google has recently shocked the audience with the announcement that it would be opening the entire open source Google Earth Enterprise Tools.

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This year in March, GEE Fusion, Server and Portable Server will be provided on GitHubunder the Apache 2 license. But the company has openly illustrated that neither the GEE client nor the Google Maps JavaScript API V3 or the Google Earth API will be open sourced. The Enterprise Clients will be updated with the passage of time.

Google’s preference would be to move the existing GEE users to its Cloud platform and Google Earth Engine. But even with a lot of upcoming criticism around, many users have refused to move off GEE. Google’s new approach is to offer its users more flexibility as well as a quick access to public datasets and for that the company is focusing on its cloud-based geospatial services. Google has actually revised its plans after hearing from customers who still use Google Earth Enterprise for mission-critical applications and do not want to transit to other available options.

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Written by mebeing


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