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3 proven ways you can earn money online for lifetime

learn skills and make money

People consider online earning as a difficult thing to do. In reality, it is actually the opposite. The reason for this confusion is, people search on the Internet how to earn money online and they end up landing on scam sites that take their money up-front and rip them off. Often, a one-off bad experience puts them off and they never consider exploring online earning options again.

In this article, we are going to discuss three proven methods to earn money online and be your own boss. These three methods have been tested and tried by millions of people worldwide whom we call freelancers.

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Before you can explore online earning opportunities, you need to consider the following.

  • You need to learn how to use a computer.
  • You need to understand English, and write English.
  • A willingness to learn online.

Let’s take a look at the ways you can make a career of your own by earning online money and becoming financially independent.

Method # 1 – Earn from Blogging

Blogging is by far the most continuous, long-lasting online earning stream if done correctly. For blogging, you need to have a blog website where you can post important information. In the current era, many people are focusing on creating an online blog and working hard on driving traffic to it so that they can monetize (earn money) because it is the era of the internet and everyone is connected online.

As a blogger, there are unlimited topics you can write on. Just to give you an idea, you can have a blog about travel, music, jokes, current news, and affairs, politics – so on and so forth. Once you figure out a topic for your blog, you need to come up with quality content that is search engine optimized and work on bringing traffic to your blog.

You can monetize your blog by partnering with many companies, Google AdSense in particular. As people visit your blog, they read and see the ads, once people click on the ads, you earn money.

It is very important to understand that you should never deliberately click on partner ads yourself or encourage others to click on your ads. By following this practice, once noticed — your ad account will get permanently banned.

The Advice:

The pundits advise you to work hard in creating quality content on your blog and generate authentic search engine and social media-driven traffic for one year before worrying about earning money from the site. The money will come once you build trust with your audience and they love your content.

Method # 2 – Earn from Freelancing

Freelancing is a new way of offering your services to the world virtually. By working from the comfort of the couch at home, you can offer services you are an expert in on freelance marketplaces. There are many types of freelance marketplaces that connect buyers with service providers.

In order to earn from freelancing, you need to learn one skill and become an expert in it. Once you are a master of that skill, sign up as a freelancer on freelance marketplace websites and start bidding on the project matching your skill.

Also See: The Psychology of Freelance Business for Success

As a freelancer following are 5 things you should keep in mind in order to succeed.

  1. Create a profile and describe your expertise.
  2. Put your portfolio on your profile.
  3. Learn the importance of effective bidding on projects.
  4. Learn the importance of communicating in English.
  5. Be courteous, remember the customer is the King.
  6. Best time to do freelance bidding if you live in the subcontinent

With over 54 million freelancers in the USA alone, your chance of making a career online as a freelancer is very bright. Put emphasis on learning one skill, master that skill, and offer it online with confidence.

Method # 3 – Earn from YouTube

Just over two decades back, who could have thought we will be able to watch visual content online and earn money as content creators/publishers? You can earn money by uploading quality video content on YouTube. As a publisher, YouTube lets you earn money as the visitors grow on your channel.

Make sure your videos are not pirated, someone else’s content, should be original, and just like in the case of blogging – work hard on generating traffic to your channel. Once the users start to watch your videos regularly, by partnering with AdSense you will be able to earn money from your YouTube videos.

Protect yourself from scammers and do not waste your hard-earned money on scam websites.

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Written by Madiha Yaqoob

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