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Zapbuddy wants to take-on WhatsApp with an innovative, handy features

Zapbuddy is a new end to end encrypted iOS app created by enthusiastic group of creative developers from Islamabad, Pakistan aiming to take the messaging service to the next level. The app has some unique features that could make it go viral all over the world. ZapBuddy is basically yet another messaging app but with the following new unique features.

Augmented Reality:

Augmented Reality is the first unique feature of the app and it is integrated very nicely in the app and working properly. Imagine Google maps is not working and there is no other way to figure out a location, by using Augmented Reality, users can see the locations by using their smartphone camera. The built in radar within AR works pretty nicely in case the maps are not responding.

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The app uses AR to identify the nearby location, points of interest.

Here is how the AR work for identifying location:

Location and Display Picture Privacy:

Users can set different display pictures for different people. The app lets you set different DP for phone contacts, blocked users, non contacts. This feature has always been a need of an hour for users of different messaging services. For those who are privacy cautious, this feature is very important.

Just like display picture privacy feature, users can set the privacy settings for their location to the different contact categories as well.

Exceptional Notifications:

This is another interesting new feature. If users have put their chats on silent, they will still be able to get the notifications from a user with-in in the exceptions list.

App Lock:

This feature is called Lock Screen functionality. In order to ensure the privacy, the app enables users to lock the app which means, they are not allowing their friends to see chats and conversations in the app if the phone is accessed.

Users can download the iOS version here.

For more information on ZapBuddy, visit

Via: ProPakistani

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Written by BG Staff

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