Phrase: focus

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  • How to Improve Daily Focus: 3 Simple Tips

    How to Improve Daily Focus

    Trying to pay attention all day can be like a crazy ride. Sometimes you feel sharp and smart. Other times, it’s hard to focus for even a few minutes. So I asked myself: How can I get better at paying attention? I read books, and articles, and listened to talks. I also used my ideas. […]

  • Improve Focus and Efficiency with the Pomodoro Technique

    Improve Focus and Efficiency with the Pomodoro Technique

    Ever feel like your to-do list laughs at you from your desk? You look at it, wanting yourself to begin, but somehow, 2 hours go by, and you’ve done the amazing thing of sorting your paperclips by colour (don’t judge; it’s happened to all of us). Okay, no problem. Listen up, friend! Feeling lost in […]

  • How to Train Your Brain for Focus and Faster Thinking

    Train Your Brain for Focus and Faster Thinking

    Mind feeling all slow and sluggish? Is info overload making you dizzy? These days, everyone has a zoom around really fast. But guess what? Like a cool light sword, you can train your brain to be super sharp! It’ll cut through those distractions and help you handle all that stuff with ease! This guide is […]

  • 6 ways to stay focused on your dreams

    The life you love is not easy but it is possible. There are some people who love watching shows on their big TVs whereas there are some, who dream of owning a dream business. It usually happens when you are young and find it extremely hard to focus on any one thing. But the focus […]

  • 7 Proven Ways to Achieve Superhuman Focus in 2 Weeks

    7 Proven Ways to Achieve Superhuman Focus in 2 Weeks

    Developing superhuman focus can feel like an impossible aim in a society when distractions and demands on our time are constant. But you can improve your focus and increase your output if you have the correct techniques and dedication. This post will discuss seven tried-and-true strategies for superhuman concentration in just 2 weeks. 1. Mindful […]

  • The Red Car Theory | The Power of Mind and Focus

    The red car theory the power of mind and focus

    The Red Car Theory shines as a light of understanding in a world full of distractions, demonstrating the remarkable power of the human mind to consciously change reality. Visualize a busy road overflowing with a number of cars. You notice a red car that pops out among the the chaos. As you notice it, an […]

  • Should You Focus On Zero Search Volume Keywords?

    Should You Focus On Zero Search Volume Keywords?

    In Search Engine Optimization (SEO), one term is “zero search volume keywords.” Numerous advertisers and site owners stay away from these keywords, expecting they offer no worth. So, here’s the question raised. Should You Focus On Zero Search Volume Keywords? The answer is Yes. You should focus on zero search volume keywords if they make […]

  • Innovative Startups Should Focus On These 4 E-Commerce Niches

    Innovative Startups Should Focus On These 4 E-Commerce Niches

    New technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence have gained attention in recent years. New technologies, however, wouldn’t be all that exciting if they couldn’t find a welcoming environment, or at least one industry where they can add value and particular markets where they can expand and disrupt. E-commerce is as old as the internet, […]

  • Here’s why freelancers need to focus on their proposals over their profile

    To put things in perspective, as a freelancer, it’s your response to a project placement that wins you the project award and eventually fetches the money — once the work is successfully delivered. As a freelancer who has been successfully acing at freelance work on different freelance marketplaces, I’ve established one solid reason why some […]

  • IBM Launches Free global platform ‘Open P-TECH’ focused on workplace learning and skills


    IBM has announced the launch of Open P-TECH globally, a free online digital education platform focused on workplace learning and digital skills. The platform aims to train 14-20-year old leaders, educators with training such as AI, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and many other professional skills such as Design thinking that are in huge demand by the […]

  • How focusing your CV helps you stand out?

    Even if you haven’t needed to go the traditional route of sending a CV to apply for a job, the process of writing a focussed, up-to-date CV helps you crystallize your working strengths and career goals. As a marketing document, it should obviously sell you (in as little time as possible) to a hiring manager. […]

  • You become successful when you focus on these 5 things regularly

    For successful people, intelligence is not necessary nor the luck factor counts very much. Researchers have been trying to unravel the formula for success of successful people and have all agreed that the secret is in their character. This means that the secrets that make people successful are their habits and the way they work. […]

  • Focus on these 7 things and your life will change for ever – it also helps the people around you to become productive

    There are times when you can’t stop thinking about your grandmother’s cooked food or your favorite movie but whatever it is, it’s not work. Unfortunately, life happens and distractions get in the way of your checklist. Even if you start out with good intention, it’s very easy to fall prey to the ding of the […]

  • 4 proven ways to refocus at work

    It is common for everyone to experience days when nothing seems to be done. Your mind wanders away from work projects and you struggle a lot while trying to get back on track. The distractions around makes it hard for you to focus and it makes the quality of your work to suffer. In this […]

  • 7 Ways to train your brain to stay focused

    habits that are damaging brain

    It seems hard to stay focused when you have a constant stream of employees, clients, emails, and phone calls demanding your attention. Amid the noise, understanding your brain’s limitation and working around them requires more focus for your own work. But the digital environment makes it hard to focus and reduces your intelligence and literally […]

  • 4 skills you need to focus on in order to increase productivity

    In order to keep a job, you typically require a repertoire of technical skills. But beyond the technical skills, a person is more valued whose attitude is positive and upbeat, who is always willing to help, and is flexible. This is the reason that your work ethic, attitude, communication skills, and emotional intelligence are crucial […]

  • Focus on these 5 things to stand out from the crowd

    Individuals who grow up without learning etiquettes fail to develop important social relationship skills for interacting with others. It makes them more vulnerable to getting into a conflict while interacting with their peers. Etiquettes are the basic foundation that can be expanded upon with traits people wish to cultivate in their kids. Kids are like […]

  • 5 Skills that can help to focus on success

    When you are in the business world, you are expected to give your best. But your success sometimes feels to be at the mercy of your competitors, market, and your own skills. Skills are very important in keeping you on the track. When you have the right skill, you easily develop the stamina and momentum […]