
A jump start to creativity for children in today’s world

Creativity is a natural part of every individual’s mental process. It is present in every person, at least as potential. Creativity may vary from person to person but a completely uncreative person never exists. It depends on the proposition that characteristics required for creativity can be helped to unfold in an appropriately stimulating learning. Children’s creative potential can be enhanced by providing deliberate opportunities, training, and encouragement. The activity for enhancing creativity in children can be carried best with books.

Following is a set of books that can help children to make a jump start in creativity along with executive functioning skill building. These books are all aimed to nurture the abilities of young minds. Few of these books provide step-by-step instructions whereas few are a collection of ideas.

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Stem Books:

  • Secret Coders 1,2 ($10.99):

Coding might not be a preference in the eyes of most parents but it is computational thinking that can make children better problem solvers.

  • Coding Games in Scratch ($19.99):

Coding Games by DK Books is a great way to teach kids how to write their own programming games. The book provides essential coding concepts everything step-by-step with the help of visual samples, fun pixel art, and easy-to-follow instructions.

  • Family Projects for Smart Objects ($15.99):

This book helps children to start exploring the world with the help of the internet of things. It teaches kids how to make sensing and communicate objects on their own.

  • Beautiful Minecraft ($19.95):

Minecraft is an extremely popular game among young and old. The book itself is a stunning creation that is an inspiration to admirers. The Minecraft blocks help learners to build anything they want. It is a collection of fabulous artwork built in Minecraft.

Maker Books:

These books include traditional arts and crafts skills.

  • Modeling Clay with3 Basic Shapes ($19.99):

Sculpting is something that is not taught in schools. It is the easiest way to practice how to visualize and create minds thoughts. Everything in the book originates from three basic shapes i.e. a ball, a teardrop, and a worm. These are all very easy to make but the end results vary with every child’s personality.

  • Be a young entrepreneur ($19.99):

This short book is a call for all business-minded kids. This book helps children to be creative, and think outside the box. It teaches kids to start making wise business decisions at an early age.

  • Tech DIY ($15.99):

The teachings in this book are something that all parents just dream of i.e. teaching kids about electricity and electronics through some approachable hands-on projects.

  • Edible Inventions ($19.99):

No other book can make culinary art more fascinating for kids. It helps kids to make the delicious food they love to eat. It helps them start cooking like professionals by having a complete knowledge of chemical cuisine, recipe hacks, growing food, and working and building with crazy gadgets.

LEGO Books

How a set of books can be completed without books that feature LEGO.

  • Brick cars and trucks ($19.99):

For kids just purchasing the Kits is not enough, they actually want to know how to build it. This book provides a good learning experience about the pieces kids already own. It helps them to build and customize amazing vehicles.

  • The Batman Movie ($12.99):

Batman is every kid’s real-life fascination. The book illustrates the characters and movie plots and includes jokes from Batman and even the Bat Computer.



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Written by Ali Younus


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