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A study says 48% of consumers use voice assistant for searching web

They may be not accurate, frustrating at times but despite all crushing annoyance, Adobe’s new report is very encouraging and tells us a lot about the future of the technology and how humans prefer using it.

The report says, about 48% of users online use voice assistants for searching something on the internet. This is a pretty positive outlook for voice search and assistants. There’s a prediction that about 50% of the population online will use voice to search for anything by 2020.

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Adobe research and survey typically includes 1000 volunteers. It was revealed that the majority of the voice searches were done using smartphones, 85% precisely while 39% said to have used the speakers (virtual assistants)

One of the reasons why people prefer using voice search is satisfaction and saving time. When asked why they would prefer voice, the participants said,

“voice technology improves and contributes to my quality of life.” That’s a pretty strong statement. And 92% agreed that “voice technology saves me time.”

However, apart from the satisfaction, there was an expression of some frustration as well as few participants cited to occasional non-user friendly results and pointing out in-accuracy.

This data gives a lot of interesting insight into the online businesses to have a virtual voice assistant on their website, especially the e-commerce stores so users can use virtual assistance bots and speak to the assistant. This will not only reshape the eCommerce industry but also substantially increase the sales online.

Whoever takes the first lead by introducing voice assistance on their e-commerce website could well be the next Amazon, eBay or Alibaba.

The article appeared on Search Engine Land

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Written by mebeing


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