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After WhatsApp the mysterious ‘Black dot’ bug is now crashing iPhones. Here is how you can fix it

Almost a week back, WhatsApp users were attacked by a mysterious black dot and an emoji appearing in their messages. When users clicked on the mysterious dot in the WhatsApp messages, the application hanged and eventually crashed. Both iOS and Android users suffered from this deadly malware.

It was reported that a hidden Telugu script comprised of Unicode characters created this ‘black dot of death’. It caused the CPU of the phones to go out of order, eventually crashing the app.

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Now the same Malware has hit Apple users and is reported to have affected multiple iOS applications. The black dot bug is effecting iPhoneX, iPhone 8 and iPhone 7 series. The malware is also affecting older iPhones as well.

As Black Dot of Death is crashing iPhones. A video from EverythingApplePro shows how to fix it.

Watch the video:

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Written by BG Staff

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