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An Online Millionaire Who Did Not Know How To Code

In school and college days, after reading a chapter from your textbook you think you remember everything and are ready to take the test. But when you finally take the test; you forget most of the points. This happens because it’s easy to read and believe that “I’ve got it”. We often fail at the time of actual implementation.

Only assumptions take you nowhere, you have to dive in deep to fetch the pearls from the ocean. You have to practically take action for testing all your ideas and thoughts to see which of these work and which are of no use.

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Tara Reed, CEO at Kollecto and, managed to turn her imagination into an art-collecting app in US. Being an art collector herself, she was always interested in getting cool visual arts for her walls. But she figured out that people who did not want to comb through galleries and exhibits for collecting art, there was no website that was available. She sensed an opportunity and went on to build something which would change her life forever.

She built an App without knowing how to code and is now a millionaire

So she built an app to provide people with affordable access to their own personal art buyer. But as she did not know anything about writing a code, so she built the app on Bubble. Website without code spared her from the technical debt and she operated a business at a low cost.

Her art collecting website became a cash-flowing business and is currently winning thousands of customers per year. It is not only popular among customers; it also is a hot spoy for startup funding competitions, investments and grants etc.

Reed’s Kollecto’s platform and the consulting side gig brought her net worth to just over $1 million. The App helps non-technical folks to build and market their own apps and make money from their apps.

Willpower is the secret element which played an important role in Tara Reed’s success; she just believed that she could do what she wanted. She erased all her fears of taking risks and continued with pursuing her goals and never looked back.

Her advice for everyone is,

“When people ask me for advice, I tell them: Get going. Chances are, you’ll have something wrong, but you won’t know until you test those assumptions with actions”.

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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