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Apple and Google: A match made in software heaven to fight Coronavirus

Apple and Google have been best pals for decades. From the early Launch to Apple MACs to Launch of iPhones.Google has been a trustworthy friend to Apple. And them working together on a new kind coop to combat a  mass epidemic is at its finest.

Apple and Google are currently working cohesively into developing the contact tracing app to track the spread of the virus. This would breach many privacy laws but since the epidemic is not slowing down and lots of people are worried that it will envelop the whole midwest, hard decisions must be taken. They say, desperate times, desperate measures.

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Apple has been protecting customers’ privacy for decades and has handled pressure from the US government as well as LEA to relay customer information hasn’t done so. Whereas Google has created security protocols not only to guide customers on how their data is used to also give them the tools to remove it from the internet. Google even Stopped US Department of Information to use its data to be used by ICE agents to harass potential US residents.

The concept of contact tracing is simple. One someone is infected by the disease, public health workers will be informed about the person’s travel itinerary. This further helps these front line responders on who the person was in contact, making them locate that person, test and isolate to stop the spread of this menacing virus.

This will be a defining moment as the previous epidemic such as  HIV  and Measles were hard to keep track of. Ebola which ravaged Central Africa for more than 10 years and just about two months ago a female patient became the last person to be cured of the virus is now dealing with an ever-increasing phantom menace.

Tracing is time-consuming as it tool 9000 Chinese epidemiologists to trace the spread of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. The source of the global epidemic. The US has more than 10000 new cases daily and CDC reports that the number will increase if proper care isn’t averted. They also suggested that they would require more than 250000 people for effective content tracing.

Using the app which is collaborated by two IT giants will help customers become detectives. Anyone who was in contact with the infectees will be sent a message and will be instructed on how to get tested. US residents have no clue or information about how many people are infected and who isn`t.  Many people believe they have missed the opportunity to stop this virus thanks to their POTUS clueless attitude and now appear to wreak havoc on everything.

Contact tracing can only work if people opt into it. However, many may consider this as a breach of privacy as many experts believe that this app may be the framework and means utilized by governments to create ways for a surveillance app.

Currently, the app is in the prototyping stage, it will utilize a device Bluetooth option that will pair Andriod users with iOS users. Bluetooth is not an easy tech to work with as it may bring many false positives due to its range. Google and Apple suggest that no private information will be recorded. The real test is not to make the app useful but to respect privacy.

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Written by Sarmed Malik


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