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Apple to Shutdown iTunes after 16-year run since 2003

According to a Bloomberg report, Apple is set to announce the end of iTunes, a service that has transformed the online music industry since 2003. Apple will hold its developer conference on Monday and may announce to divide iTunes service into three different offerings for music, TV and, Podcasts.

It was Apple CEO Steve Jobs in early 2000 who set his eye to transform the vision about music into iTunes. He wanted to counter Napster (a pirated music sharing service) to navigate the music industry legally and started the digital commerce revolution which was to be taken as a pioneer in the industry.

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“The users are in a bad situation because most of them don’t want to steal music online, but there’s no other way to get it that’s any good.” Steve Jobs

Apple music fans will still be able to download the music through Apple music app.

It is still not clear what exactly will replace iTunes in the new OS.


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