
Being happy for others may seem difficult but overcoming these jealous tendencies can lead to significant improvements in your professional as well as social life

Throughout our life, we meet different people with different types of personalities. We get along with some of the people better than others. But there are some people who cannot be happy for someone’s success. These kinds of feelings send sparks of jealousy, bitterness, and hatred towards those people. Being jealous of the people who have achieved success can make you feel worse. Normally this behavior is considered normal but negative feelings for other people can bring a lot more bad impact on your own well-being.

Being happy for others may seem difficult but overcoming these jealous tendencies can lead to significant improvements in your professional as well as social life. Just being happy for others can free you from the stress and anxiety you experience when other people succeed. It makes you grateful for the things you have and give them a share in their joy.

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Smile more:

According to researchers when you smile more, it lowers down your stress levels and improves your mood. Even a forced smile can make you feel better and is the same when you feel happy for others. According to experts, even if you have trouble doing it that is okay. When you will start feeling happy for the other person, you will see that happiness in you bringing loads of benefits for you too.

Helping others in need:

Studies have shown that the voluntary behavior that is intended to help others can benefit your own mood. When you help others in need, you are likely to be more satisfied with your lives and less likely to be depressed. The research professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School carried out an experiment on the value of helping others. Carolyn Schwartz wanted to see if receiving monthly peer-support phone calls from fellow sclerosis would benefit people with the similar disease. The results revealed that the ones, who received support gained mild benefits but those who provided support, received greater benefits.

Getting locked with social media:

There is a lot of impact of social media on your mood and behavior. The social media platforms have become a place where you can meet all your friends and family. But it is also a place which forces you to get involved in comparison with others. Constant comparison is a waste of our energy and makes you complain which you do not think are lacking from your life otherwise. It makes you think of a dream job, travelling more and making more money. Being jealous of someone depletes all the reservoirs of energy that you have unknowingly and makes you feel crappy and more depressed.

There is certainly no shortage of people with negative attitudes. But being happy for others can make you invest in a world that turns out to be nicer to you. Donate to others who are in need. You don’t have to give a lot of money but look for opportunities to give away within your means. Listen to those who are in trouble and your simple listening may calm them down. The simplest way to be happy is to act happy and be happy for others in every way you can.

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