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Bill Gates Expresses His Concern, Why Americans will be worse off

Bill Gates has voiced his differences with Trump administration and has expressed his views in earlier interviews and notes. In a letter issued on GatesNotes, while answering a question, Gates talks about the importance of U.S investments in the world.

Gates says that in the past year, he has been asked about Trump’s administration more than any other questions. Answering the question ‘How Trump’s policies affect his charity work‘ Gates answered;

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The administration’s policies affect our foundation’s work in a number of areas. The most concrete example is foreign aid

For decades, America has played a vital role in eradicating disease and poverty from Africa and less privileged countries. Such efforts not only save human lives but also create U.S jobs too.

President Trump proposed severe cuts to the foreign aid and Congress has moved to put the money back in the budget. Those funds need to be spent in the noble causes to address poverty and cure diseases. The world is no more a safe place if people are hungry and ill.

More broadly, the America First worldview concerns me. It’s not that the United States shouldn’t look out for its people. The question is how best to do that. My view is that engaging with the world has proven over time to benefit everyone, including Americans, more than withdrawing does. Even if we measured everything the government did only by how much it helped American citizens, global engagement would still be a smart investment.

We keep talking to them because if the U.S. cuts back on its investments abroad, people in other countries will die, and Americans will be worse off.

Gates also says that he disagrees with Trump’s administration on main focal points but still emphasizes on the importance of working together, whenever possible.

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Written by Saima Ikram

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