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Blackberry has finally surrendered, says farewell to phone productions


After thinking long and hard about it, Blackberry has realized that it is time for the company to say a final farewell to the phone building technology. This is actually an end of era for the real guvnor of the telephone expertise. Blackberry has been planning this for many years until now it has officially announced that it will stop designing and making of its own smartphones.

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The company has already taken steps for this purpose; it has launched a simple new device which is its DTEK50 handset. This time it has created a mediocre phone which truly reflects the company’s future intentions.

Blackberry has come far away from the spot it held in the previous years, it has changed a lot. It used to hold nearly 40% of the global smartphone market. But it was Apple and Android took over the control of the entire market and the reigns are now in the hands of technical giants. The blackberry company has plans to end all internal hardware development and to outsource that role to its partners.

The company has increased the software revenue in recent years for this purpose as it is switching all of its efforts to software and other services. According to the statements, Blackberry has completed the initial shipments of the Blackberry Radar, which is and encrypted tracking system. It has also signed an agreement in order to drive its global growth for their BBM consumer business.


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Written by mebeing


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