
Different types of careers in art and fun that pay well

Different types of careers in art

We are all unique in our own way but when we pay close attention to artistic people, we all think they are some kind of subspecies which can be studied and characterized in a certain manner. One thing that artistic and creative people have in common is their interest in the use of their cognitive resources in order to approach the mysteries and uncertainties of life.

But when we think about jobs for these artistic people, the first thing that strikes our mind is they cannot earn a decent salary by working with all the fun stuff. But the world has changed and not the artistic thinkers can have the jobs that do offer a decent pay.

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Following is the list of high paying jobs for creative and artistic people that pay an average more than $55,000 a year among various industries and fields.

Art directors:

Median annual salary: $89,820

Formulating design concepts and creating presentation approaches for the visual communications media such as print, broadcasting, and advertising.

Technical writers:

Median annual salary: $69,850

This field of writing involves writing about technical materials.


Median annual salary: $57,210

This job includes planning, coordinating, and editing of the content of material for publication.

Makeup artists:

Median annual salary: $60,970

Applying makeup has become a professional’s work now and it includes makeup to people in walks of life.

Creative writers, lyricists, and poets:

Median annual salary: $61,240

This job includes written work such as essays, prose, scripts etc. for publications and performances.

Animators and multimedia artists:

Median annual salary: $65,300

With the use of electronic tools such as computers, this kind of work includes creation of special effects, animation, and other visual images. Their product is used in the form of computer games, movies, commercials, and music videos.


Median annual salary: $76,930

This is vast field that involves planning and designing structures including private residences, office building, or any other structural property.

Video game designers:

Median annual salary: $86,510

This field requires designing core features of video games. It involves specification of innovative game and role-play mechanics, story lines, as well as character biographies.

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Written by mebeing


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