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Elon Musk has shutdown Facebook pages for Tesla and SpaceX

Elon Musk Tesla

Elon Musk shuts down his Facebook pages for Tesla and spaceX. The decision comes as a part of growing criticism against Facebook for abusing personal data from over 50 million users worldwide.

#deletefacebook, a growing Facebook movement is calling on people to show their anger with the world’s largest social media platform for leaking data to a company called Cambridge Analytica.

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Elon tweeted about company spending Facebook advertisement when he was challenged by another Twitter user to suspend his Facebook profiles.

The pages for Tesla and spaceX were immediately shut down within minutes.

Cambridge Analytica is a Consulting company which is accused of taking data from around 50 million FB users, mostly from United States without asking for permission from the users. The company even failed to delete the users data when ordered by Facebook.

It is speculated that cambridge Analytica used the users data taken from a quiz app and delivered Pro Trump material to them. After the huge backlash on Facebook, company stock fell from $176.80 at the start of last week, to around $159.30 by Friday night.

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Written by Saima Ikram

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