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Elon Musk worked 90 hours per week in 2018 and his salary could surprise you

Elon Musk Tesla

Tesla’s current market cap stands at only $33 billion. You would think a CEO if a billion dollar company would be drawing a handsome salary but that is not in the case of Elon Musk. He says, I paid most of my Tesla-related expenses too. Tesla last year was actually net negative compensation for me.”

His tweet response came to the tweet of Tesla4Ever, a Tesla fan account. The fan challenged a Business Insider article that stated: “Elon Musk made more in 2018 than the next 65 highest-paid CEOs combined, according to a report.”

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The article also claimed that Musk had made $2.3 billion in stock options in 2018. The money made him one of the highest paid CEO among the top 200 CEOs of large publicly traded companies.

In another tweet response, Musk said.

Tesla’s proxy statement of 2018 states that Elon Musk was paid a base salary of $56,380 and he worked 90 hours per week in 2018.

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Written by Ahmed Shaami


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