
Everything in Pakistan is Messed Up

Education system is messed up. Traffic engineering is messed up. Healthcare is at its worst. It needs improvement more than any other field. Financial markets are in its primitive stages. Corporate policies have to be looked upon. Every field you see, you see that it needs improvement.

If every field needs improvement then how much better a place could get when it comes to opportunities. This means that there are opportunities in every field. It means that you can enter any field of your choice and make a career out of it by constantly bringing innovations in that field. It means that your next 50 years as a nation are guaranteed that if you put your mind to it, you can make a name for yourself and make money. Instead of sitting and just complaining about matters that are in your control, instead of waiting for someone to hand you a better future, instead of looking towards the so called leaders to take you to your destiny, get up and start walking towards your destiny. Your destiny is waiting for you. Wherever there is chaos, it means that there is an opportunity waiting for the person who can turn that chaos into creation.

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Developed countries do not offer so many opportunities in every field. Realize that beautiful fact given by Allah to Pakistan. In already developed nations, there is little room to use your genius and turn things around. Things have already been turned around there, they just need slight improvement but here in Pakistan we do not need slight improvement, we need huge improvements. And wherever there are opportunities for huge improvements, it is an established historical fact that there, nations progress. Ideas develop. Youth gets empowered. Destinies are achieved.

Dreams are accomplished, Yes. That place is here, you are already living in a land of opportunities. Realize that. Embrace the chaos of Pakistan. Realize that it is this chaos that is a gift from god because this chaos is providing opportunities. Screaming opportunities. Attractive opportunities.

Yes, everything, or almost, is messed up in Pakistan. It is us who will fix it. It is us who will bring improvements. It is us who will change our own future. Nobody is going to come and hand it to us. Nobody is going to help us. Nobody will offer us any help. And that is ok because we are capable of fixing our own problems. All we need to do is to realize that the same problems we constantly complain about are in actuality the biggest opportunities for us. Everything messed up in Pakistan will be the same everything that will create geniuses so they can improve it. Be that genius. Be that creative person. Be the courageous human being who rises to take control of his destiny.

Be that Pakistani who says that “Yes there are things that need improvement in Pakistan and I AM that Pakistani who will improve it”


This is guest article by Mir Muhammad Ali Khan.

Mir Mohammad Alikhan is internationally renowned Investment Banker, Entrepreneur & Capital Markets Advisor. At the age of 29, he became the youngest Chairman and Founder of a Full service Investment Bank in America and the first Muslim to have owned an investment bank on Wall Street. He has had a successful career as Founder & Chairman The Financial Group, Inc., Federal Advisor to Govt. of Pakistan, a Member of New Jersey Governors Council, a Senior Advisor to New Jersey State Mayors and US State Senators. He introduced Islamic Banking Research into mainstream America by co-sponsoring and advising Harvard University to launch Harvard Islamic Finance and Information Program (HIFIP).

He also developed “THE WORD’S FIRST ISLAMIC BANKING BENCHMARK INDEX on WALL STREET Named:KMS-SAMI: (Socially Aware Muslin Index) Which Is Now A Functional Index Run By The Dow Jones Indices. He has also been featured in “Who’s Who of Top Executives in the World”. Featured in “Humans Of Pakistan” and in 2015 he became the first Pakistani ever to have a movie produced on his life through a first time co-production of Hollywood and Pakistani production house Sermad Films, The Producers of the movie “JALAIBEE”.WWW.MIRMAK.NET/Biography

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Written by Mir Muhammad Ali Khan

Mir Mohammad Alikhan is internationally renowned Investment Banker, Entrepreneur & Capital Markets Advisor.

At the age of 29, he became the youngest Chairman and Founder of a Full service Investment Bank in America and the first Muslim to have owned an investment bank on Wall Street.


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