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Facebook begins Stories on Desktop

Facebook is testing its Stories feature on desktop after seeing its success on Instagram. On Instagram, the feature soared to 150 million daily users in the first five months of the launch. Now Instagram has 250 million daily users on the platform. This week Instagram also announced the time spent on the platform which mounted up to 32 minutes a day by users under the age of 25 and 24 minutes for users above the age of 25.

Therefore, Facebook has now planned to introduce the same feature to its platform’s desktop site. The Stories feature however will not be present at the top of the page instead it will be available on the right side. In the Stories module, a question mark will appear which will be used for explaining the feature’s purpose. This will explain very simply that it consists of photos and videos which will disappear after remaining visible for 24 hours.

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Facebook has tried this Stories feature on almost its every platform. It tried it on Instagram, Messenger and even tried Stories-like feature on WhatsApp. It has used this feature with inspiring redesigns on every platform. But still, there are so few people using Stories on Facebook’s mobile app. therefore it is unclear how this recent addition will impact the usage. Maybe it is because people have chosen just Instagram for this purpose and do not feel the urge to post their photos and videos on a similar feature everywhere.

The Stories feature on desktop is not broadly available but according to Facebook a wider rollout is expected in the near future.

Via: Tech Crunch

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