
Facebook Could Remove Like Counts On Posts

Facebook may follow Instagram and remove like counts. It was confirmed by the company to TechCrunch that the may consider removing like counts on user posts.

Instagram started testing this service and has removed like counts, the feature is currently active in many countries. Facebook, has not yet introduced the change to its global users.

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We would have never come to know about this new feature, thanks to Jane Manchun Wong who discovered it. The way Instagram is working in many countries is, it hides total counts for everyone. The following tweet shared by Manchun Wong suggests, Facebook likes count will work exactly the same way as Instagram works.

Some wonder is Facebook reverse-engineering their own app?.

One of the logical reason why Facebook wants to remove like count is to reduce the anxiety of the user about the expected likability of their post.

However, the count may well be one of the psychological behavior people cherish the most. After the feature is rolled out publicly, People may prefer to reduce posting their personal content if there is no motivation. The like counts seem to work as “virtual praise” for many. Higher the count, more the efforts for coming up with improved content on the time.

One of the logical reason for this experiment taken up at Instagram first and now followed by Facebook could be to reduce the mental stress on people. One of the social behavior hazards is to feel a false pride in the engagement counts. Those who can’t get reasonable engagement on their posts may just fall under the “unwanted social stress”.

Relax folks, social media is virtual, it’s not real. It does not matter who likes you and who does not. Stay real, Stay original!

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Written by mebeing


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