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Facebook does not seem to be slowing down after 2 billion users

Although Facebook suffered a lot because of its fake news issue and spread of hate speech along the platform. But despite everything, this popular continued to be one of the most popular platforms on the internet. The company’s recent earning report shares that Facebook has reached over 2 billion monthly users and has recorded another profitable quarter with $9.32 billion in revenue.

From last year, this is a 47% leap by the platform along with a very strong user growth. It has been recorded that on average 1.32 billion people use Facebook regularly. And Facebook is more than just News Feed now; the platform has brought a lot of advancement to the platform.

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For now, Facebook is heavily investing in video especially in the area of original content. Advancements on this level will not only attract more users to the platform but is also going to prove a huge revenue source. Zuckerberg also has focused on curbing the hate speech issue by bringing meaningful communities to the platform. Anyone violating the community standards is warned and banned by human moderators.

Also, in order to find more relevant ads for the community, Zuckerberg has made artificial intelligence as the core foundation for the company which will help it to improve its services on a better level.

Via: Engadget

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Written by Hisham Sarwar

That is all you ever need to know about me but let me warn you, freelancing for me is a journey, certainly not a destination :)


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