
Facebook to allow all employees to work remotely

Starting June 15, any employee can request to work from home. Facebook employees will be able to work remotely, move from the US to Canada and Europe, Africa, or the Middle East, or anywhere in the UK. This was an option previously available to technicals and HR employees.

Early next year, January 2022, all Facebook employees will be allowed to move between seven more countries in Europe, African, and the Middle East. As employees who move to less costly countries may also experience a reduction in their salaries because of the low cost of living. All employees, however, will be requested to go to brick and mortar offices for important meetings and team-building activities. All Facebook team has been working remotely ever since the beginning of Pandemic last year including Mark Zuckerberg who says he plans to work 50% of his time as work from home or remote work.

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“As part of my commitment to remote and hybrid work, I plan to spend as much as half of the next year working remotely,” He said. “I’ve found that working remotely has given me more space for long-term thinking and helped me spend more time with my family, which has made me happier and more productive at work.

“I’ll be in the office a lot too, and I’m structuring my schedule to keep a good rhythm with our leadership team, as well as for planning and other key milestones.”

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Written by Fahad Manzur


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