
Facebook gives employees $1,000 each to help them deal with coronavirus crisis

In order to help employees amid the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, Facebook just announced to give a $1,000 bonus to all his 45,000 full-time employees.

According to The Information, it is reported that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made the announcement in an internal company memo on Tuesday, March 17th. It is also stated that Mark Zuckerberg told workers that alongside the $1,000 bonus, every employee will get an “exceeds” rating for their 6 months 2020 review. This means, more bonuses are coming.

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The bonus cash is to help employees during the coronavirus outbreak.

According to DigitalTrends, the average compensation for a salaried Facebook employee is about $228,651 a year.

Facebook has pledged to up to $20 million in donations to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Foundation and to various other detection and prevention efforts.

Facebook has also announced that in this time of global crisis, it is going to help small business owners by investing $100 million in small businesses. The company will give financial support to 30,000 small businesses in 30 countries in the form of cash grants as well as free ad credits.

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Written by Tauseef Sarwar

Digital Marketer with 15 Years of experience in Management & Marketing. SEO Consultant, specialising in Social Media Marketing & Branding. Adobe and Google Certified Professional.


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